Community Poll: Do you think Kabam should re-run Ant man featured arena?

For those who dont know, in "compesation for emergency maintenance" post, Kabam said they will re-run Ant man featured and MODOK basic arena to help out those who were affected by that maintenance. As an arena grinder, i think MODOK is fine but re-running Ant man is really unnecessary. Maybe im alone in this, but i think many people will want more desireable featured champs to come in arena instead of duping their Antman. Just want Kabam to know how community thinks about this.
Community Poll: Do you think Kabam should re-run Ant man featured arena? 111 votes
Yep this is an insult to an arena grinder like me since it doesn't make sense and they just want to use any champ they want for arena. Yep i got Hulk basic, but couldn't get MODOK before. Not gonna grind the next arena AT ALL. Thanks for giving me a break Kabam.
It is Gladiator Hulk...
Yes thank you, in another post i ask about it and they clarified it as GHulk. Good to hear that.
anyone who disagree's ... *GLANCE* ... *GLANCE GLANCE* .. ^.^
(Also, I actually DO have him as a 2* a 3* and a 4* fml)