Not your average rank down ticket thread

I propose that @Kabam makes rank down tickets available in the store but...
- Limit 1 of each star
- 6 month reset timer
- 500 unit cost x Star (e.g 4* 2000 units)
Alot changes in our game within 6 months from new champs to AW changes and I personally think that this will better allow every player to adapt to said changes whilst maintaining the integrity of the game, this would also encourage more arena grinding and maybe even put a little more money into kabams pockets whilst not putting the whales at a massive advantage, its a win win situation.
- Limit 1 of each star
- 6 month reset timer
- 500 unit cost x Star (e.g 4* 2000 units)
Alot changes in our game within 6 months from new champs to AW changes and I personally think that this will better allow every player to adapt to said changes whilst maintaining the integrity of the game, this would also encourage more arena grinding and maybe even put a little more money into kabams pockets whilst not putting the whales at a massive advantage, its a win win situation.
Did you think they werent warrented when diversity was announced to be removed? 80% of the community did and that isnt a champ change
then community thinks rank down tickets are warranted no matter what happens because people want to undo bad rank up choices
Anyone who ranked Drax only because of his ability to bypass Mordos astral evade, even though it was never part of his abilities should quit **** about rank down tickets. Drax was never actually nerfed, they never changed his abilites; just a hidden bug that was never resolved for some reason... **** should’ve be resolved while Mordo was AQ miniboss
Same with AA... yall read the champions abilities and know the “changes” weren’t in their descriptions and you still chose to rank them. These hidden abilities flew under the radar for far too long as it was, and yall expect compensation? Pleassssse, yall need to make better decisions and learn how to play better
No, you do not deserve a rank down ticket. Now quit askin for them
Especially this guy... you really think we should grt rank down tickets just cause? There’s no reason for them to be given because they didn’t change how specific champions are SUPPOSED to work... so chilll and give it up
No actually I would want rank down ticket because they did change Drax. He now slides backwards putting his second hit out of reach of all auto evade champs.
That is either a bug or change to Drax since it's not described anywhere he slides backwards when using his medium hit and since they "fixed" him, he does.
I do remember seeing responses like this right before Kabam issued rank down tickets last time. You just never know man. Also, you must know that Kabam isn't well known for their accurate ability descriptions. They just aren't.
Very little is clear about most champ abilities including all the nuances. They are inconsistent across the boards and really could use some clarity.
Part of what the game developers consider "the integrity of the game" is the idea that players should not be able to spend the same rank up materials twice. There are a lot of good reasons for this idea that exist across many similar games, but the two most fundamental reasons are that allowing players to respend rank up materials devalues the effort that goes into acquiring them in the future, and it allows players who acquire them in the first place to keep transferring them into newer champions over and over again, which increases the advantage older players have over newer ones.
Players can "yes, but" these reasons all they want, but at the end of the day unless they actually convince *the devs* to abandon them, any argument advocating for RDTs is simply going to fail.