Alliance Quest demotion this week?

Dear kabam, my alliance won't do the same total points into AQ this week. The miscomunication about the error bracket made us start M3 instead of M5, anyway, i believe that occur with many others.
So, my question is: there will have any kind of promotion or demotion on AQ this week?
So, my question is: there will have any kind of promotion or demotion on AQ this week?
Just to be clear since many players still seem to be unclear about how the new system works, or will work, under the peak milestone AQ reward system all of the milestone rewards you earn and all of the rank rewards you earn are based solely on your performance in that week. They do not depend on anything you did in any previous week. So if you do enough in that week for "expert tier" rewards (expert doesn't exist anymore under that system) then you'll get those rewards even if you did absolutely nothing in the previous week.
The big question is the timeline to it's start. Leave us in the dark don't help at all, my point is, if kabam don't have the security to timetable a date to begin the new system, they must make a statement and confirm that the next AQ series will be a normal one.
The lack of trust in everything they said is just gronwing up.