Need help with 5.4.6 ultron

Ive done everything i could to defeat him but i always failed. Anyone who knows please help me defeat him. My roster is not very strong it consists of 5/50 4 stars and 2/35 5 stars.
I use Hood
- Avoid inflicting any debuff (including Parry) while Ultron has power gain or regen buff timer. Any debuff induced on him causes Ultron to gain the buff on the timer. Instant death for you via SP3 if he gets power gain.
- Get to Loki's SP3. Ideally wait until Fury buff timer is active and parry ultron, then drop sp3 immediately.
- Once you have Ultron under the curse, parry-heavy on repeat until he's dead. Every parry inflicting will cause Loki to steal Ultron's next buff. If you manage to steal the fury buff, attack hard. Massive damage.
Duped Blade is also an option, but again, avoid parrying when power gain buff is in grey.
Good luck.
Dr. Zola
You ever try Angela against him? I was able to solo him a few times with my Angela.
I only have a 4* Angela at 3/30. Never really used her for anything. But that’s a good tip.
Dr. Zola
Medusa - cripples robot champs
Nebula - shock does extra damage to robot champs
Guillotine - heal reversal
1. Don't parry until you have 1 bar, just block and attack
2. After you reach 1 bar of power, parry......ESPECIALLY on Power Gain.....and immediately use sp1. You have to be quick so you can steal it before he hits sp3.
3. If power gain, you'll fill to sp 3 immediately.........if not just wait until you see it, parry and sp1
4. Once you get full power, use sp3..........after that, parry and heavy to keep curse on him
5. This is the best way to ensure that you can steal his fury when he gets it. When you do, go to work on him. Critical hits with fury are about 15K, and if you're lucky enough to have full power with a fury......sp3 game over
I was able to keep Ultron against the wall most of the time. You have to keep wary of the evade every 7 seconds. Just anticipate it then unload after. If you can chain combos together using drop back intercepts then you can get anywhere from 11-13 hits before you need to bait the L1. Dodge the L1, watch for the evade and then start your combo chain after you counter the evade. Rinse and repeat.
I'm pretty much able to predict when he will evade based on the 7 second rule. Black Widow is the one I have trouble with. 3% my ass.
I LOOOOOOVE Angela. She's so underrated.
only SW and your 3 *loki can help
SW is your best bet here, but you have to watch the gray colored buffs. If there's power gain or regen active you gotta back off. don't stun or parry him even with witch. If there's armor up or fury, go to town on him. try and nullify every buff he's got, and save SW's L3 to do that when he starts regenerating. if you're about dead and he starts regenerating just quit the fight fast revive and do it again. good luck.
if you're using loki play keep away while his power gain is active. doesn't matter for regen and the others, and once you hit l3 is heavy heavy heavy attacks.