Alliance Quest- Going forward

So what is the deal now? Based on how we did this week in whatever bracket, is that our rank going forward?
Is my alliance going to be forever in Normal bracket and by doing map 5 we're getting poop rewards? Just to have the format change the next week?
Or is next week going to be another instance of getting compensated after the AQ week ends where you guys compare with other map 5 teams?
Your decision was actually a bad one. Yes, there are teams that kept with map 5 and 6 and they got the best case scenario.
But after seeing how little faith customers had in being treated fairly, you should have understood from the hundreds of complaints, that you should have gone the extra mile to build your brand trust back. Instead, you penny-pinched, and now are answering for it by the countless refunds people are asking for from Apple and Google. I hope this point of view is considered in your decisions going forward.
I understand you guys are working overtime, and probably stressing over lots of issues. Seriously, good luck, we ARE rooting for you because we do love playing.
Is my alliance going to be forever in Normal bracket and by doing map 5 we're getting poop rewards? Just to have the format change the next week?
Or is next week going to be another instance of getting compensated after the AQ week ends where you guys compare with other map 5 teams?
Your decision was actually a bad one. Yes, there are teams that kept with map 5 and 6 and they got the best case scenario.
But after seeing how little faith customers had in being treated fairly, you should have understood from the hundreds of complaints, that you should have gone the extra mile to build your brand trust back. Instead, you penny-pinched, and now are answering for it by the countless refunds people are asking for from Apple and Google. I hope this point of view is considered in your decisions going forward.
I understand you guys are working overtime, and probably stressing over lots of issues. Seriously, good luck, we ARE rooting for you because we do love playing.
I really don't understand the confusion on this. You and your alliance have a total amount of points, and based on that, they can give you the reward you should have got to begin with. END OF STORY! Why the argument?
Because if the Peak Milestone system is coming into play in 2 weeks, running map 5 next week for rewards that are less than we feel are worth those resources (because be honest, normal tier rewards seem poopy when you're accustomed to Expert).
If there's confirmation the change will happen in 2 weeks, many alliances may choose to go map 3 again, get Normal rewards for less out of the treasury, then just start fresh after the new AQ season begins.
Unless you have an answer for me or something constructive, please stop wasting my time. I actually am looking for a valid answer to help us gameplan. If it seemed like a rant at first, I understand the confusion. I'm already over this week's AQ, I'm solely looking for the next one, thus the title. @Stoyvensen
It matter dude
What the hell
Do they going to give all the glory we lost back?
Because is really delaying my progress
Including the map 5 and 6 crystals
My thinking: is if next week we'll be in Normal again I assume, and if Peak Milestone patch starts the FOLLOWING week, my team might run map 3 and get the same rewards for less cost.
And just work on building back up with map 5 the following week.
Or maybe that plan doesn't make sense. That's why I'm asking. Because I'm genuinely unsure.
If I was very confident that Kabam would make it right, and in due time, you're absolutely right. At the current moment, I'm not confident. Simple as that.
Your argument makes sense, that they compensated this week, and I agree, people should deal and just move forward. Missing glory sucks, but time to move on.
Even if they run it the same next week, we all get what we earned in the end. I'm cool with waiting if it gets me extra. If they use this week's info to place us back in the correct reward tier, that's cool for us. Not so much for those who didn't continue to run AQ as they normally would. I get that many's faith has been shaken recently. I get the lack of trust. However, the initial message did have a key line that many apparently overlooked in favor of the vaguity at the end. The key portion of the sentence that basically stated EXACTLY what would happen was "....we will need to wait for this AQ series to end in order to gather the data we need to begin implementing that solution." That was said Day 1. Everyone, apart from those that jumped blindly into Map 2, had an equal opportunity to place in AQ. They said it was up to us at the end as that's just a fact. It has always been a choice to run AQ. I admit they could have been a little more forward, but personally, I felt it said more than enough to justify running 5x5 without question.
Now hopefully they do use this week's information to fix the reward brackets and get things somewhat back to normal. Needing 3 players to open the next BG is not fun. However, it's still very doable if they run it like this again. Hopefully like @V1PER1987 said, they get the overheating issue sorted soon enough to launch the new AQ rewards system sooner than later. If not, only time will tell what will happen next AQ cycle. As V1PER1987 also stated, they themselves probably don't know what the plan is as of yet. They're calling on players to do Beta Testing on the fix. If that doesn't spell how desperate they are to fix this with a quickness, I don't know what would. They're trying. Best of luck to the MCoC Team in finding a quick, and long lasting fix to all this. In the mean time, play on!
There is official clarification on the matter. It was released earlier this week. Below is a link to the announcement.
The question was what will happen next AQ week. Thank you, though.
Kabam’s statement answers the question but you have to read between the lines a little bit.
Kabam stated that alliances will be compared to other alliances that would have been in the same bracket and that rank rewards will be issued based on the bracket you should have been assigned to. AQ rewards include bracket assignments for the next AQ series.
Therefore, it is implied that alliances will be in the correct brackets next week. Thank you, though.
Would like to know where we fall and what compasation you're giving out and when because this isn't going to cut it and are a far cry from what we usually get.
Damn you for making me read all that.
But you can't act all high and mighty just because you're one of the alliances where this situation played in your favor. It very well could have turned out a situation in the opposite favor. Where they incorrectly caluclate reimbursment of alliance resources, or even miscalculated placements, something.
To sit there and say no that never crossed your mind is lying.
I did not come to that conclusion as an "angry gamer" who cries wolf. It came from an accumulation of mistakes made by Kabam in recent weeks: 4th of July marketing, attempted diversity changes, blah blah blah.
The bottom line: both sides of this argument need to shut up.
Those who were lucky enough to win on the map 5 and 6 side are due for envy. Seriously, no joking, I'm happy for you guys. To those who mistakingly erred into map 2, or picked map 3 for my reasonings, I emphathize and it sucks.
But to both sides, seriously, let's move on. We can't all be Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite about our Glory days (haha get it?)
Thank you everyone for the feedback. I genuinely appreciate it.
i know allt alliances including mine were put in the lowest bracket and recieved only map 1,2,3 crystals and recived a whopping 300 glory from the final rewards at the end of the 5 day aq chcle. normally we recieve around 2k i think in the final rewards. at any rate my point is there has been a mix by kabam and some alliances were put in the lowest bracket when they were in the highest bracket. maybe thats what happened to your alliance