Archangel abilities shouldn’t be lowered correct?

MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31

So according to his info his abilities shouldn’t be able to be lowered by another characters abilities. So every time I fight a domino I shouldn’t have a minus 15% ability accuracy and none of my abilities should be able to miss assuming I am reading this right and all or am I miss informed on the topic?


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,950 ★★★★★
    If memory serves, it has to do with when her AAR kicks in at the beginning.
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    Regardless his ability accuracy shouldn’t be able to be reduced at all by the text line. Which is why I’m confused. If that’s the loop hole than I think text needs to be more clear.
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    It technically should only reduce, if in her description it would include that it bypasses ability accuracy reduction immunity (or something to that sort). Kinda like Blade against dimensional beings. Not sure off hand how Domino's description reads.

    But we all know, she does reduce his ability accuracy.
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    Off the top of my head at the start of the fight it’s -15% and when you are unlucky it’s -35%. Well even with blade as an example you still can’t parry and attack a mordo because of his abilities can’t be lowered ether. Like I said I could be completely wrong in the matter and if someone could explain it to me I’m cool with that. But otherwise I just feel like this text line is not valid or not working properly
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    That ability never worked well since he was released. They eventually "fixed" it andnow it works against debuffs that lower aa (and quake's heavy too), but sometimes it doesn't seem to work against passive aar
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    I think that ability should be kinda relevant tho. Can a mod make a comment about this? Wish I could hear it from the horses mouth
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Your ability accuracy cant be reduced. Doesnt mean your abilities cant still fail to activate since none of them are at 100%
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    I’m not saying a proc off a heavy bleed and such. But when you get that critical miss it means your ability was suppose to activate, didn’t. And now you take a burst of damage. Am I wrong in interrupting that way? Cause they way it reads it how it sounds. Not trying to complain how domino is a pain in the butt fight this just don’t make sense to me really. Why have the text line and than not have it work properly or at all.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Mrchamp wrote: »
    I’m not saying a proc off a heavy bleed and such. But when you get that critical miss it means your ability was suppose to activate, didn’t. And now you take a burst of damage. Am I wrong in interrupting that way? Cause they way it reads it how it sounds. Not trying to complain how domino is a pain in the butt fight this just don’t make sense to me really. Why have the text line and than not have it work properly or at all.

    more accurately, it means that any ability that has a chance to activate but doesn't will trigger critical failure. Like say a hit has a 20% chance to bleed opponent, every hit that doesn't cause bleed will trigger critical failure, and domino's AAR will further reduce the chance for bleed to trigger, increasing the chance to trigger critical failure
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    I appreciate that clarification
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Domino is broken. They know but don't care (or at least have prioritized not exploding any more iPhones). All the champs that reduce ability accuracy seem to mess with each other and have all sorts of bugs. Remember that AA finally got nerfed fixed himself. Widow used to break through blocks. Etc
  • MrchampMrchamp Member Posts: 31
    I just wish I could get clarification on that text line is all to be honest. I’m sure it will just be working as intended if a monderator would actually look at this tho
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Archangel's immunity should prevent his dexterity from failing correct? It has a 100% chance to activate and his abilities cannot be reduced. So why does his dexterity fail when he's under the unlucky debuff? It's bugged, just like how you degen every time domino hits AA's block and he fails to poison her even though it has a 0% chance to poison when she's not bleeding. Please fix this frustrating and broken hero.
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Any updates on these bugs?
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    No updates on the bugs being fixed but they got 3 new champs and a whole slew of other activities planned for next month yaaay 🙄
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    So would this mean he would work well against the collector’s passive 2.5% per 5 seconds AAR?
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