Locking of champs in AQ and AW

What is the exact purpose of locking the champs in AQ (Map 4 and above) and in AW? In all fairness, these champs must be usable in Story Quests or in Special Quests simultaneously with AQ/AW.
Well even I have a roster to run things in parallel, the question is why? I agree in Alliance events there shudn't be duplicity but locking them in story quests and regular stuff is taking things bit too far.
You people need to learn workarounds in this game as you try and build your rosters because everyone before you had to. It's called progression, and you have to deal with it like everyone else. Get over the instant gratification. Get over that you're not at the same place with the vets and that you won't be as competitive as they are. Realize they were at your point once upon a time and had to deal with the same issues you do now. And realize we had to do it under crappier conditions with less ways to get rewards that can help build your rosters.