Is there an issue with war rating?

Are there any other alliances having their war ratings dropped during matchmaking? Ours dropped from 1700++ to 1443 (tier 4 to tier 7) unexpectedly.
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Someone in your alliance violated their rules and your entire alliance has gotten penalized for it, it seems like they're really cracking down on account sharring/ pilioting/ hacking/modding and your leader should have gotten a message about it.
I've seen a ton of these today and in the past, it sucks but there is nothing you can do about it.
Except for your alliance to try to find out who's doing it and then remove them before you get penalized again since the only thing that kabam will do is say we can't tell you and we're going to close this thread goodbye.
It doesn't automatically mean anybody has cheated. if no accounts are banned and your leader didn't get an email you need to send in a support ticket because it's the only way that Kabam will know you're experiencing the issue too
If rating goes down and they didn’t ban the perpetrator, ur pretty much just stuck w whatever action they have taken and wondering who or what caused the system to flag it.
Cheating in their book is account sharring, pilioting or actual hacking and modding or using the tool generator, that is the only way to get a war rating drop.
They won't necessarily ban the offenders right away, some may get warned others will get a temp one and others will get a permanent one.
Their support won't tell you because it's against their terms of privacy, they won't tell you anything here either except the usual and the closing of the thread.
There is no issue with the war rating, your drops are the penalty for violoationg their terms of service and means someone ( maybe more than one) in your alliance did something to break them.
There were tons of these yesterday, they are cracking down and that's all there is to it.
the only reply we received is that this is a known and reported issue that they are still investigating and because it is not isolated to a small group they may not be able to reply individually.
there was absolutely nothing said about any violation of their terms and conditions in that response from Kabam. Just that it is a known issue and is being looked into.
I've seen people get banned for politing accounts, or sharing logins. No one has been banned yet so I guess we'll wait and see. IDK what else to do.
Yesterday we were cut again with no message. I just want an answer.
With as many other things that are broken, it's certainly possible this could be too
No, it doesn't mean a message was sent and it was kept secret. They aren't being sent to leads consistently.
I know it’s pretty misleading for them to do that but basically, the message that u received tells u nothing nor does it confirm any actual issue with the drop in war rating. It simply postpones the inevitable second message u will get several days later which will be another generic canned reply.
I think the default way of thinking to assume that every change to war rating is because of cheating is backwards considering the climate of how much Kabam has broken with the updated version 19.
Not saying that you cannot be right because it's certainly possible but I don't think everyone should be told this only happens when you cheat. Because if it is an issue by Kabam alliances are going to get ripped apart thinking there's cheaters when that doesn't really need to happen.
Time will tell I guess 🤷
Like I said I’ve never seen them actually restore any alliances war rating once they removed it.
I do know there's a small handful of us that travel regularly for business and are often in different time zones, sometimes internationally. If that is automatically assumed as piloting then I'm always gonna be in trouble. 🤦
The reduction of war rating is an action that can be taken against an alliance for violation of the terms of service related to account sharing. There's more information about this in our announcement thread. We can't speak to specific actions taken against accounts with third parties or on the forums, so we cannot provide more details for you. Your Alliance leader should expect a message in in-game mail if this is the case.