Void not reducing ability accuracy?

so Void has a debuff that reduces ability accuracy by 30% so 2 debuffs or 1 fear of the void debuff should make it 60%.
Now with 2 more debuffs or 2 fear of the void debuffs it should be 120% ability accuracy reduction right?
So why doesn't reduce ANYTHING? I used Void on Jugg in ROL and even with 2 fear of the void debuffs he still got his unstoppable after every special! Spidey still evades and so on.
What's up with that. Also I don't remember seeing him reversing power gain or even stopping it which again he should be able to do with even just 1 fear of the void debuff.
Any info on that?
Now with 2 more debuffs or 2 fear of the void debuffs it should be 120% ability accuracy reduction right?
So why doesn't reduce ANYTHING? I used Void on Jugg in ROL and even with 2 fear of the void debuffs he still got his unstoppable after every special! Spidey still evades and so on.
What's up with that. Also I don't remember seeing him reversing power gain or even stopping it which again he should be able to do with even just 1 fear of the void debuff.
Any info on that?
Nope he reduces a lot of things. Regen, attack, ability accuracy, power gain.
Yeah but read what I said 2 fear of the void is the effects of 4 agility debuffs so that's 120%.
Agility debuff only affects evade. and its 30%. Max stacks of this is 2. Fear of the void combines all debuffs, so say 2, should be 4 agility, so SHOULD BE 4 agility debuff effects. SHOULD be 120% if additive, but I doubt they are. I would think its subject to DR. either way wouldnt affect unstoppable.
For clarification purposes:
Agiity - affects accuracy of evade and dexterity
Fatigue - affects critical rating
petrify - reduces power gain and regen
If petrify is additive, shouldn’t agility also be additive?
I don't use void much. Is petrify definitely additive? I was going based off how other champions work, a la crossbones.
Yes, petrify is definitely additive. Each debuff reduces healing by 50% according to his ability page. In practice 2 debuffs turns off healing, and each stack after fear of the void reverses healing.
Good to know. I need me a void haha