Currently use AA, Hyperion and Sparky for path 7 t5, swopping out Hype for my r3 unduped Void as he is much better to take on node 31 and the arc overload, as Hype is useless on 31.
I usually use Hawkeye, Quake, and Archangel. AA has high damage and counters Mordo’s evade, Quake is amazing against the usual headaches (Mephisto, Magik, etc.) and has a synergy with Hawkeye that increases ability accuracy. Hawkeye has that synergy, plus power control and strong bleed in his L1.
Blade and Mephisto are the staple of my AW attack for now.
If the miniboss is any mystic, I just bring in GR.
If its a regen boss, then VOID.
If it is some power gain, then Dr VooDoo.
Sometimes, I'll bring Hyperion if I am unsure of what's on the way.
Mephisto takes care of a lot of problems, more than Blade.
ultron, couse I have him r4. and well, immunes, his regen is great for long paths. also I am in a lower tier, so no difficult fights whomever I face.
6* gulk, because he is bad on D, but can help, when we have Magik boss/mini
and usually Hype — just like him. can bring rag Thor for gulk sinergy, if there is Medusa on latest nodes or when I take stun immune mini — unblockable gives free opening, wich is nice
those are not best option imo, just the ones available with my roster, and it is pretty poor. would love to replace ultron with iceman or at least some power control champ (Magik)
If I weren't using my blade and stark spidey, no ghost rider yet, I would use doctor voodoo or magik for power control, Luke cage for bleed immune and stun lock potential or maybe hulk for poison immune. Finally, crossbones for ability accuracy reduction, especially against Spiderman
I've heard really good things about killmonger for AW attack I can't seem to pull him in anything other then a 3* which is a bummer because I want to pair him with my sabretooth to bypass masochism
I've heard really good things about killmonger for AW attack I can't seem to pull him in anything other then a 3* which is a bummer because I want to pair him with my sabretooth to bypass masochism
Excellent AW attacker, he can solo Spidey/MODOK/Medusa bosses at the highest AW tiers
Surprised there's not more mention of crossbones. Absolute beast vs spiders and quite good vs Medusa also. He's typically on my team along with either hype, magik or Gulk depending on who I'm facing.
I am on a break from a G1/T4 alliance now...those might change when I rejoin as the map/nodes are different.
I used to use Blade, GR, and would base the 3rd off what miniboss I was going against. Would vary it between SL, Quake, SW.
Before I had blade, I would use Voodoo for full lanes.
Trinity for general use
PM and KM for Yondu, NC, SM and Medusa
Void in certain situations
Magik for power control
If the miniboss is any mystic, I just bring in GR.
If its a regen boss, then VOID.
If it is some power gain, then Dr VooDoo.
Sometimes, I'll bring Hyperion if I am unsure of what's on the way.
Mephisto takes care of a lot of problems, more than Blade.
Rogue , Fantastic survivability, almost immune to debuffs and great power control
The third spot changes between AA (not a lot now since many characters are immune) or Iceman or Scarlet Witch
6* gulk, because he is bad on D, but can help, when we have Magik boss/mini
and usually Hype — just like him. can bring rag Thor for gulk sinergy, if there is Medusa on latest nodes or when I take stun immune mini — unblockable gives free opening, wich is nice
those are not best option imo, just the ones available with my roster, and it is pretty poor. would love to replace ultron with iceman or at least some power control champ (Magik)
Excellent AW attacker, he can solo Spidey/MODOK/Medusa bosses at the highest AW tiers