LOL 100% with Star Lord AND Blade?

LOL team with Star Lord AND Blade, is it possible/worth doing or best to stick with 1? Thinking Blade, GR, stark spidy, SL, vulture or Dormamu. Both are 5* r4 currently but I can rank one , I'm assuming SL would need to rank up more if I'm using both (I also know generally blade is the better option to rank up, is that still the case if it's for LOL specifically?)
Blade against champs without the dangersense ability could mean long drawn out fights that'll be done in half the time with Star Lord is what I'm thinking. Advice?
Blade against champs without the dangersense ability could mean long drawn out fights that'll be done in half the time with Star Lord is what I'm thinking. Advice?
No mention of enrage timers, just know for that team, only the r5 will have a long enrage timer and the r4 will not.
I did the easy path of LoL with a 5* r5 blade, and used a 5* r4 SL for OML and Col. I had zero stash and zero free crystals and it cost me less than 1500 units. Couldve cost less but I messed up a few times. Blade handles the opponents on easy path without danger sense just fine.
SL at r5 is almost useless besides having automatic long timers. He'll reach the damage cap quicker, and all around the lesser option in the game.
My advice would be to r5 blade. He'll help you in every aspect of the game, and help you get more resources quicker, to potentially r5 another.
What star is your stark spidey? if he is a 5*, he can be a decent option for LoL as well and you won't even need SL.
It’s definitely something to think about, they are right though blade will help you get through the game better.
I have a rank 5 blade and rogue. So I can tell you blade at 5 does work. I haven’t been blessed with a starlord 5* so I can’t say. Only a 4*
SL could definitely do it, its just a matter of if he's worth it. You'll still get regen from maestro, limbo from magik, unstoppable from UCOL and thats just easy path. Blade can theoretically even do the abom and bleed gully
Blade r4 5*
Ghost r2 5*
Stark r5 4*
Yelow jacket
I think I spent about 2000 units. And that’s cuz I messed up. Spent about 400 on boosts. I didn’t want the fights to last too long.
I got limbod a few times: and it was 1000-1200 per tick, UC wasn’t too bad. The annoying fights were war machine and falcon
Blade worked well for those two (for me anyways) because you could hold block and regen while sp1 hit you.
Also blade on ucol was better than I expected. Almost no Unstoppable.
I used:
5* r5 Blade
4* GR
4* Sparky
5* r4 SL
4* punisher
punisher has some crit dmg synergy with gr I believe.
shhhhhhh i didnt mean to say that. its a secret
Yes it is possible.
Gully full kill -
Abom full kill -
Its not easy, and it may not be the best way, but it seems better than some options people have done.
This is the exact team I used! I used 2000 units, primarily because I finished the easy path in 24 hours and got bored using Blade and just started using SL for the last half of my run, even though I didn't have the extended timer, haha. Also started buying boosts for the 2nd half of that run. It was so boring.