Magneto passive ability vs. Captain America(both)

His passive ability just doesn't trigger even though cap has a giant metal shield, I don't use magneto personally but it might help thos who do
It isn't a bug
Cap shield is a unique alloy of vibranium, adamantium, and an unknown 3rd metal. It is not ferrous.
If they did that, kabam would just create more obviously metal champions, but leave out the metal tag on purpose so magneto isn't too overpowered *cough cough CG, PM against blade cough cough*
Lol here's my 2¢
And no, the mcoc "universe" is not the mcu, nor has it to be accurate with comics. Its a own realm where even different time line variants exists a the same Spot.
The Champions may be taken from the multiverse, but the wearer of the isosphere can wield reality to his wishes and needs. So basicly He (collector/ his brother) can make DD See with normal eyes, Blade a supersoldier or carnage suck.
LIKE I said a own realm with no need to accept the boundarys from the "original" characters.
It makes Use of the marvel Multiverse as defined in the Wiki.
But I refered to the movies mcu (which of course not includes the x man franchise so far ithink). So sorry for the inaccurate discription.
For those reasons, things that happened in the comics or movies can't be used to justify anything.
they do what must be done to make Money and Keep the game running. no more no less.
They where free to build a own Char. IFIM was build that way cauz everyone was Complaining that Stark build such a strong Sparkysuit but his own is a digrace. so here you have it.
They are champions with skins from the movie.
So what? Is just a skin. Powers and abilities are not 100% accurate as you can see