Poor rewards.

After seeing the new season rewards, many of us totally lost the interest of playing this season of AW seriously. Maybe the season time is short now, but the map is way lot more tougher than the previous one we were playing. It's not worth the trouble or our money to spend on it because of this poor amount of rewards which we are going to get after the season ends. In a sense we get better rewards from monthly uncollected quests. So what's the point of wasting our time/money/resources over this rewards which isn't going to help us progress any further!!
I really dont get posts like this. Your complaint is about the rewards not being as good because the season is shorter. They literally cut the rewards in half as well as the season. By your logic, a 2 month long season with full rewards isnt as good as half a season with half the rewards... I really don't get it. Full season would have the same map but some how a full season justifies the map difficulty.
The rewards should be more better as the map difficulty has been increased. It's not about the short period of time. It's about the hurdle we are facing. If the map is tougher thn the rewards should be greater. That's how you reward for the hardwork not like "hey, I'm giving you 2 hours to climb the everest to get a selfish"
Its not that bad now. They even made changes to node 30.
Yes they swap out the node 30 to 29 but, still, if we want to complete the map 100%, we have to take down that node. You might say that it's not like opponents gonna go for 100%, but, mate there's many better alliances out there who's gonna go for 100%. And there's many more aspects of this AW content that isn't favorable for us. All the more, when monthly quests has better rewards without wasting any items do you really think that the rewards for this season is worth of our efforts?! Just cause they've shorten the time period that can't justify the poor amount of rewards we gonna get.
Lmao! It's adorable to see how you are cooking hotchpotch out of a simple logical statement. Well best of luck with your blaming the "community". Of course every changes doesn't require better outcome; but yes, if you are changing something that requires others' to put their efforts then definitely the outcome needs to be better. That's a general requirements not a social service.
I see this guys name in quotes all the time. I blocked a while ago. He literally has no opinion not approved by Kabam. Take my advice, just ignore the trolls. No matter how much logic you present you will never change their minds. They always attack the community and Kabam is never at fault...in their little world.
Thank you for the information 😊
Let’s just get rid of season rewards. I don’t think way too many complaints. They don’t have to add season rewards at all. It was a feature that gave bonus rewards on top of the already recent rewards per war. **** **** ****. That’s all this forum community does.
The correct strategy under those circumstances is to balance effort with rewards. If the top tier rewards are not worth the effort it takes to get them, aim for lower tier rewards that are worth the effort to get them. I can understand to some degree the complaint about the difficulty being ramped up and I argued against Kabam trying to social engineer map non-completion, but it is also true that the game does not mandate any specific level of effort to get season rewards. It is the players that are doing that. No matter how much effort the players put in, someone is getting those rewards regardless. The competition is driving alliances to push for those rewards, and by definition the alliances that get them decided the effort was worth it. Even if they say it isn't worth it, their actions vote otherwise.
They are creating the opportunity to expend a lot more effort to reach the top spots, and that in and of itself might not be a good thing for the game, but the people responsible for the top rewards being expensive to get are the people in the alliances that get them, and no one else.