Worst 5 star pulls

I'm having a worst luck with 5 star basic crystal my last five pulls are ultron duped 3rd time ,Angela duped 2 and time ,Iron patriot,Green Goblin,Carnage and now I opened a Crystal that is carnage dupe .I have worst 5 star champions in the game except my red hulk Angela ,and ultron How do I change my luck , should I go for featured crystals ?
But even if you have what seems like a never ending run of bad luck, that doesn't mean you can't use it to your advantage. A roster filled with poor quality champs is still a roster that can be used well in arena. Want to change your luck? Grind for champs in arena and upgrade your roster that way.
Will there be people who stop playing the game because of bad luck? Sure. But no system is perfect, and that's not a reason for this one to change. Pulls being luck based means that casual players have a decent enough chance of good pulls, whilst more dedicated players have the same chances per pull but better overall odds because they gain more crystals. Some people are going to get on the wrong end of it, but that doesn't mean it's a bad system.
My first 5 or so 5* champs were pretty useless. I resolved that I wouldn't waste high-end resources on them so I could have them available when by luck turned around. If anything, it made me a better player because I couldn't lean on super-powerful versions of the best champs in the game. I used what I had available, which were 4* champs. I fully explored 5.3 before having any 4/55 champs. When I finished 5.4, I was still using 3 5/50 champs on my team (Iceman, Star Lord, and Gwenpool).
My recommendation is to keep exploring using the best 4* champs you have until you finally get lucky. It'll sharpen your skills. When you finally pull that champ you have been waiting for, it's a great feeling to be able to rank them up immediately. Keep at it!
But I recently got Stark Spidey so I guess I can live with it.
I got SIM duped, Jane duped 7 times, and an Iron Patriot. But I also have an Archangel and Ultron (neither duped) and some other good champs like LC and Rulk (not duped)
It tends to balance out
as a good doctor said "we are in the endgame now"
Iron Patriot
Iron Patriot again
Iron Patriot a frigging third time
Rhino again
Agent Venom
My luck has since improved though. I now have a duped 5* Arch Angel, 5* Quake, 5* Red Hulk, and 5* Namor. Just to name a few good pulls. Also Old Man Logan got a buff so that 5* has some use now
So yeah.... bad RNG.... happens to everyone, long string of bad pulls after lots of grinding.... happens to everyone.... frustrating for everyone, yet we keep on playing...at least the big majority of us do....