Master Mode Heimdall

I've read about how difficult he is to fight and i just defeated him, so i want to ask you guys who did master diff how many revives/potions you used for him. I used 1 40% team revive.
That is completely subjective based on the account.
I have 2 rank 5... 4*s but ok.
That's exactly the point. You are speaking about your account, but also saying that you were sure they must be referring to Uncollected because nobody is complaining about Master mode. People will lesser rosters than yourself may struggle with Master mode. I have two rank 5 5* was all cake for me...but ok.
Guess I’m too OP with my monstrous 2 rank 5 4*s (neither of which I used for uncollected Heimdall). Sorry for the confusion original poster. I too am curious to hear the struggles from master and would love to hear the rosters..
I have Spark 5-50, Hela 3-45, GR 5-50 dupe, Gulk 5-50 and Blade 4-40 dupe. Rest is 4-40 and less good.
He’s scary at first (and if you can’t kill him first try he does get worse) but he’s overall not the worst objective boss ever conceived… nameless guillotine!