I am not able to go to a certain exit using a portal

In Chapter 3 "Ghosts of Days Gone By" the monthly quest, I am not able to get to Exit C on both Portals 4 and 5
I am doing normal mode and am trying to get 3 star Kingpin. But I am not able to do it without going through exit C, which I am not able to go through.
I am doing normal mode and am trying to get 3 star Kingpin. But I am not able to do it without going through exit C, which I am not able to go through.
If this isn't the case, can you get a pic of the whole screen so we have a better understanding of your situation?
Just scroll........
It was a delayed post the 2nd (1st to show up) oje went right through. Said it needed approval but thanks for the flag anyway
Theres no glitch. People dont know how to scroll the options or take the time to figure it out.
ah my bad
Or when you call technical assistance- did you turn it off and back on?