AW season 3 - Rewards and resource consumption (revive and potions)

We have 25 days AW season 3 , compared to the last season, the time is reduced so the rewards. Considering the AW matchups with the AW rating we have , I don’t have issues with matchups it’s hard always getting a strong team but we are progressing and working towards as a team.
I am thinking only related to the rewards that we are going to receive at the end of the session. Have a look

It doesn’t matter if you are in gold 1 or 2 there isn’t much difference. But to maintain the status in these brackets it’s hard ,not for everyone but for some of us. If you target gold 1 , I am sure your alliance should have rank 5 5* champs. 6* isn’t helping much , few might be in defense but not universal.
My alliance stats :

And the war matchups so far

Does it make any sense putting so much pressure on team members and consuming resources to get 2k red shards and 1000 4* shards , I mean what logic did you guys identified when it comes to the AW rewards specially for gold 2 status.
All I am saying is until now it’s been rough for us to get all 3 boss kills , winning was not an option we target score points, if we win that’s bonus for us. But the amount of stress and efforts we are putting, rewards are not compensating that. It’s not balanced.
Not whining just sharing my thoughts.
I am thinking only related to the rewards that we are going to receive at the end of the session. Have a look

It doesn’t matter if you are in gold 1 or 2 there isn’t much difference. But to maintain the status in these brackets it’s hard ,not for everyone but for some of us. If you target gold 1 , I am sure your alliance should have rank 5 5* champs. 6* isn’t helping much , few might be in defense but not universal.
My alliance stats :

And the war matchups so far

Does it make any sense putting so much pressure on team members and consuming resources to get 2k red shards and 1000 4* shards , I mean what logic did you guys identified when it comes to the AW rewards specially for gold 2 status.
All I am saying is until now it’s been rough for us to get all 3 boss kills , winning was not an option we target score points, if we win that’s bonus for us. But the amount of stress and efforts we are putting, rewards are not compensating that. It’s not balanced.
Not whining just sharing my thoughts.
We are in Gold 1 and have around a 1900 rating. I don't have any 5/65's at all. It's definitely tough but I don't use a lot of pots. It's more about choosing the right lanes and taking the right champs.
I buy a few level 4 pots with glory points from AQ.
I would definitely say to keep grinding at war. It's worth at least doing your best in.
Hope this will give you the idea what we are dealing with.
Note this is talking about bonus, on the overall kill count the number will go up but that has no importance in war other than to try and get an estimate of the points.