SL may have great damage output in very long fights. SL though, has no reliable utility, which makes him a very outclassed champ nowadays, as there are other LOL clearers with significantly more utility (SESM, Sentinel, Blade, AA, Domino etc.) Void has significantly better utility through the game as he is very useful throughout all modes in the game. The ability to heal reverse, counter power gains, and stop evades is very handy. Especially when facing stun immune Wasps, NCs, and SMs.
Depends really. If you haven't explored LOL an think that's something you'll do then SL will be the best choice. If that's something you'll not do for a very long time then go with void.
Void for sure. Star Lord will help in just a few fights. He WAS amazing, but with all of the nodes now, you need someone to help with power control and heal control. Void awakened can reverse both of those when awakened. Star Lord can hit hard but you need to be in a basic fight that is long for him to be worth it nowadays.
Are you going for ROL, or LOL? Because then Star Lord. But. On normal fights. Even some Long fights void is best. Wish I didn't use my Generic stone on him because I never need him now that RoL is finished. As long as you have a high amount of Sig stones for Void then you should go with him. Or wait and see who else. I know Domino is amazing, And Iceman is an amazing defender. But if you're focussing on attack then definitely Void. If not. Then Domino. That should be the poll name. Domino or Void. Lol.
Void is way better for ROL, as you don't need an extra champ to handle wolvie and with KM synergy he regens 1% every new debuff he puts on. Just smart play and 2/3 or so in Despair even unduped. For LOL, SL is better overall, but you'll need someone like Void or AA for X23, etc still..
Star Lord isn't useful anymore. The game has evolved and he has not. With rank 5s and 6* LOL is nothing. So many champions capable now
I wouldn't call him non-useful. They've added better characters for shorter fights; which take up most of the game's content. He's still really good for LOL even with the large 5* pool and 6*s.
Damn 5* awakened void!!!!
That's not true. He benefits from having a high sig but doesn't need it
I wouldn't call him non-useful. They've added better characters for shorter fights; which take up most of the game's content. He's still really good for LOL even with the large 5* pool and 6*s.