Just got kingpin as my first 5 star champ

heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
How is he? I don't have any real experience playing with him, and he seems underwhelming from the couple battles i just ran through with him.
Also, if anyone has tips for playing him lmk!

Just got kingpin as my first 5 star champ 63 votes

Good pull! Kingpin is a fantastic first 5*!
Captain_KandiceFoxhero007Darkrider05DOKTOROKTOPUScx23433BlackFreQuencyTinoMiacrystaldsmithZeronaut81Colinwhitworth69TheSquish671QuattrucciHacıAbi1900 13 votes
Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
Timone147Spity68AxeCopFireSIlverProfessorGAM3RGUYcruel_horizonMagrailothosGNASTYBapoiVuDahAshburnJCPer14axelelf_1Duke_SilverWorknprogressAanthoBahamutPrimeSaviour_27RicemanJC_ 43 votes
Anonymous346hazza1928KingsumLightingrod7Disgruntled_User_123Cateatswhaleslaserjohn26 7 votes


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,323 ★★★★★
    Sad ... Colossus is bleed immune, Kingpin is not.
  • jaylerdjaylerd Member Posts: 113
    He's my first 6*. I'm glad I was drinking at the time -_-
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    Don’t be sad about that pull! He can be really tanky against some champs, he definitely will be useful for you. Underrated.
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    Kingpin is a good champ for a first time 5
    My first 5 was X-23
  • heyoitsmeheyoitsme Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for y'alls responses! I appreciate it :smiley:
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Good pull! Kingpin is a fantastic first 5*!
    Yeah, there's better but there's also much worse. My first was Ant Man. Lol. KP has some solid uses for both attack, and War defense. It's a good first 5* for sure.
  • SolotrixSolotrix Member Posts: 66
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    Yeah, there's better but there's also much worse. My first was Ant Man. Lol. KP has some solid uses for both attack, and War defense. It's a good first 5* for sure.
    Ant Man with the new Ghost and Wasp synergy deals high damage, just saying
  • SagetrofholzSagetrofholz Member Posts: 125
    My duped 5* kingpin is 4/55 he gets at least 2 kills every war (I'm in a gold 2 alliance so kills are pretty scarce) and he is actually a ton of fun to play with
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Good pull! Kingpin is a fantastic first 5*!
    @Solotrix I haven't pulled those two yet outside of a 2*. I actually don't hate AM but he's not desirable for a lot of people and I don't really use him for much
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    heyoitsme wrote: »
    How is he? I don't have any real experience playing with him, and he seems underwhelming from the couple battles i just ran through with him.
    Also, if anyone has tips for playing him lmk!

    Definitely be happy with it, you could have been me. My first 5* was Civil warrior
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    My duped 5* kingpin is 4/55 he gets at least 2 kills every war (I'm in a gold 2 alliance so kills are pretty scarce) and he is actually a ton of fun to play with

    You r4 a kingpin?? Terrible choice mate....rip t2a
  • AnthinhoAnthinho Member Posts: 256
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    Rajuteda wrote: »

    You r4 a kingpin?? Terrible choice mate....rip t2a

    Not if u enjoy playing with him, and he also said it was for defense purposes
  • SupermanafficinadoSupermanafficinado Member Posts: 158
    Meh, not the worst, but there are better champs.
    Well at least there is his awesome L3 to look at.
  • Hit_me_TwiceHit_me_Twice Member Posts: 36
    I like my 5* r3 Kingpin. He is a good worker!
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