About Yondu :)

Is he worth ranking up? i got him as my second five star, currently i don't have any good tech champ, should i take him for higher rank or wait for a better champ?


  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    Yondu is a wonderful champ.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I have him as a 6* and he was a god during the deadpool event. Great heal block, good bleed (or armor break if they are immune). Would be an awesome war defender at your level. Doesn't need to be duped either.

    He isn't a complicated champ to play with, very straight forward fighting style and good animations. Not necessarily R4 worthy, but definitely R3.
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Definitely worth ranking up. Got him duped at 3/45, not too far from rank 4 now. Good bleed/armour break against bleed immunes, both of which work through blocks. He can crit through blocks too and his heal block is probably the best one in the game. 10 seconds, guaranteed on sp1 and the duration is doubled if you land it when they have a regen buff active. His sp2 increases damage after each special they use, his sp3 prevents them from triggering abilities on their next special attack too. Also has a built in collar tech, he reduces the opponent’s power gain by 10% per debuff and this can go up to 50%. So his sig really helps with that because it inflicts weakness each time they use a special. The number of weakness stacks is equal to the number of debuffs already on them at the time of activation. Another ability he has is to steal armour up buffs (you can’t get units from it, that is only a part of his description). But when the opponent does have armour up yondu has a 25% chance to steal it on each hit meaning you do more damage to them and take less damage yourself. Really good champ with lots of useful utility and fun to play as well. That heal block is always useful go have available.
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