Are Synergies Back In War?

For a long time, I've known that Synergies have been removed from war for bugs and issues that were happening. However, I've been noticing a few things over the last few wars that shouldn't be happening. For example, Hawkeye and Taskmaster have a unique synergy where Hawkeye gets unlimited hemorrhaging chances, whereas without it he only gets one per fight. And then, in my last war, the boss, a 5 Star duped Magik, gained power every time I used dexterity. It's not in her abilities or on the boss node, at least for my tier.
Those are the only two I can think of right now; I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed weird things with champs in war lately.
Personally, I'd love for synergies to be in again. I feel they could promote diversity and strategy.
Those are the only two I can think of right now; I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed weird things with champs in war lately.
Personally, I'd love for synergies to be in again. I feel they could promote diversity and strategy.
I think the unlimited Hemorrhages come from Hawkeye’s L3. Hawkeye is super loose with his specials so it shouldn’t even be a problem.
But I thought it didn't matter in wars? I've never had this problem fighting her before. In fact, my war 4 days ago had nothing of the sort. The boss was a 4 star Magik as well.
And as others have said, it’s mystic dispersion