Arena Deathmatch change with Season Rewards?
So this was just the 17th match and I know that it's usually unsafe until match 21 or so, but I ran into a deathmatch with my strongest 4/40s, which has never happened before.
Is this a result of war season rewards and rank ups happening, or just that I need to use better champs?
Is this a result of war season rewards and rank ups happening, or just that I need to use better champs?
It’s okay that he’s rude though, at least he isn’t trying.
Used to be able to run 4/40 teams without these matchups from 16 onwards
I mean it does work to an extent, but at win 17 which is "infinity" streak..never sandbag
That's exactly my point, I hit the infinite streak and still came up against this matchup. Not saying it's impossible but it's not normal for me.
I meant once you are at that win should never sandbag for anything and if you do for whatever the sandbag champ in the middle or at the bottom..never let it be your first player on the block as you don't have any margin for error