[1Dos3] We Are Gladiators!! Recruiting for new Teammates.

We Are Gladiators [1DOS3]
We are a mixed bag alliance in a rebuilding period with some very new players, some with second accounts, and some veterans but we all have fun while growing together. We are AQ focused to help our younger mates grow their accounts and then we will begin to integrate AW.
We are looking for players of all skill levels who just enjoy playing the game without unnecessary pressure, we just ask that you are active and patient. We do require the use of Telegram, it is just preferred. A lot of us still utilize other communication apps (e.g., line) but all alliance chat is executed through telegram.
There are no donations at the moment, and no announced minimums, but if you play the game those tend to fall in line. Most importantly we all have lives outside of this game and we take that seriously, no stress for heaven's sake this is only a game.
This isn't the place to park your account, but feel free to give us a shot and grow your account, and help players who still enjoy the game and meet some fairly decent people, bourbon afficionados, actors, scientists, mathematicians, etc.
We are a mixed bag alliance in a rebuilding period with some very new players, some with second accounts, and some veterans but we all have fun while growing together. We are AQ focused to help our younger mates grow their accounts and then we will begin to integrate AW.
We are looking for players of all skill levels who just enjoy playing the game without unnecessary pressure, we just ask that you are active and patient. We do require the use of Telegram, it is just preferred. A lot of us still utilize other communication apps (e.g., line) but all alliance chat is executed through telegram.
There are no donations at the moment, and no announced minimums, but if you play the game those tend to fall in line. Most importantly we all have lives outside of this game and we take that seriously, no stress for heaven's sake this is only a game.
This isn't the place to park your account, but feel free to give us a shot and grow your account, and help players who still enjoy the game and meet some fairly decent people, bourbon afficionados, actors, scientists, mathematicians, etc.
Add me: T Frighter
Our AQ goal remain the same: surpass the 8 M points mark at the conclusion of the 5-day event, at the minimum. We will aim to reach the 10 M points mark. This way, we can get 1 or 2 map 5 crystals as rewards in this event. As more teammates join us, and as our teammates get stronger, our AQ strategy will change and we discuss and plan these changes in our alliance's communication app, Telegram.
- 1700 Glory, Map 5 Crystal x1, Map 4 Crystal x 6, T4BC fragments x 3000
If you are still looking for a home, and like what our alliance is about, please give me a holler in-game: IGN = gladiator2014.
Our weekly AQ rewards: 1900 Glory, 9000 T4BC fragments, Map 5 Crystals x 3, and Map 4 Crystals x 6. Plus, we complete the Map 4 in BG 1 100% most of the time, so expect another 4-5 Map 4 crystals for a total of 10 - 11 Map 4 Crystals each week. You will also get 4-5 Map 2 Crystals with 0 - 1 Map 1 Crystals.
Again, if you are interested, please message me on Telegram: @gladiator2014 or in-game as my IGN is gladiator2014
Our weekly AQ rewards: 2050 Glory, 19000 T4BC fragments, Map 5 Crystals x 4, Map 4 Crystals x 10-11, Map 2 Crystals x 5, Map 1 Crystals x 5, about 50000 Gold and some battlechips.
We participate in weekly SA and have been hitting 250K - 290K points. We need a few more bodies to consistently hit the 320K milestones. In other alliance events, we hit the next-to-last or last milestones, so overall, you would be getting good rewards with us to grow and develop your champs.
Again, we still are not participating in war. We will later, once we get a little bit stronger.
If this situation fits what you need, please message me in-game (gladiator2014) or on Telegram (the communication app that our alliance uses) @gladiator2014 and I can answer any additional question that you may have or send an invite for you to join us.
We just put up 29,703,829 points for AQ that just ended and our alliance was ranked 5113. Last week, we put up 28,866,494 points in AQ with a ranking of 5215. The week before that, we put up 23,010,983 points for a ranking of 5732. As you can see, we are inching closer toward our immediate goal of 30 M points milestone for AQ. We should soon surpass it and will plan for the next goal of 40 M points.
If you are interested in joining us, please message me in-game (gladiator2014) or through Telegram (@gladiator2014).
Also, there is a change to our strategy of donations. It used to be voluntary and in whatever amounts that the teammate wants. Now, we are asking for specific, mandatory, weekly donations of the following resources from our teammates:
20,000 gold, 1,500 battlechips, and 625 loyalty.
These are due on Mondays by 11:59 PM PST preferably. If it's late, no worries.
The reason for this change in strategy is that BG 1 will be playing more Map 5. So, we need resources to cover the cost of the map. I still do my best to subsidize to help the teammates but Map 5 is expensive. Why this change? We want to get more T4CC fragments from Map 5 crystals to help develop our lower tier ratings teammates faster. Our AQ schedule for BG1 is for Days 1-2 (Map 5) and Map 4 (Days 3-5); for BG 2 is for Days 1-3 (Map 3) and Days 4-5 (Map2): and for BG 3 is Map 2 x 5 days. We put up over 33 M points and are currently ranked 4772 in the last AQ. You can expect to receive the following rewards (approximately) with us from AQ:
2200 Glory, Greater Glory Crystal x 1, Gold x 77,875; Battlechips x 19200; T4CC fragment Crystal x 5; Map 5 Crystal x 5-7; Map 2 Crystal x 5-7; Map 3 Crystal x 3-5; Map 4 Crystal x 9-11; T4BC fragments x 28000
We still don't participate in War and may randomly initiate war, here and there, if we have at least 10 teammates available that meet our alliance's war participation requirements. War participation again is NOT a requirement in our alliance.
We continue to participate in weekly SA and we get a good amount of resources from these alliance events to develop our teammates. I can be reached in-game, gladiator2014, if you are interested in joining us.
Map 5 Crystals x 7, Map 4 Crystals x 9, Map 3 Crystals x 5, Map 2 Crystals x 5;
79725 Gold, 20200 battlechips, T4CC fragment Crystals x 5, 28400 T4BC fragments,
2200 Glory, Greater Glory Crystal x 1
Our BG 1 plays Map 5 x 2 days follow by Map 4 x 3 days. BG 2 plays Map 3 x 5 days, and BG 3 plays Map 2 X 5 days. All BGs complete the maps 100% x 5 days. As our baseline prestige increase, we should be able to inch closer to the 40 M milestone. However, if our BG 3 can switch to Map 3 and complete it 100% x 5 days, my calculations predict that we can hit 40 M easily. I would need to re-shuffle BG 2 and BG 3 to find the mix. What would help is to have another good, experienced Map 3/Map 4 player to help us reach this goal, and if this prospective player is also a boss killer, that would makes things even easier. Doesn't have to be though.
Again, we make weekly SA, over 320K and are ranked in the 71-100% bracket. We reach the next-to-last or last milestones in most events (except those events that need arena grinding). There is no requirement to grind arena in our alliance. No event minimums. Donations are mandatory, and is weekly, due in the Treasury on Mondays by 11:59 PM PST: 20K gold, 625 loyalty, and 1.5K battlechips. We like to keep the donations low to help everyone particularly the lower ratings teammates. I subsidize the balance.
We don't do war at the moment. Every now and then, if we got 10 players available, that meet the champs requirements for war, we can initiate a 1 BG or 2 BG (depending on number of interested teammates) war. For the most part, we are delaying war participation to grow our teammates roster first and then plan for war. War is OPTIONAL and not a requirement in our alliance.
This is a relaxed, fun alliance. Many teammates have responsibilities outside this game and our alliance efforts are catered to that. Still, we manage to meet our goals and collectively help each other get awesome rewards.
Our communication app is Telegram. If you are interested, please look me up in-game, gladiator2014 or on Telegram, @gladiator2014.
There are some updates to our alliance.
We are still an organized, active, AQ focused alliance. We don't do much war. So if war is your thing, either you will want to wait until we get stronger or this alliance will not fit what you seek. When we do participate in war on a more consistent basis, war participation is optional. You don't have to participate in war if you don't want to.
For AQ, we play it 5 days a week, in 3 BGs. BG 1 plays this schedule: 5-5-4-4-4, while BG 2 plays 4-3-3-3-3, and BG 3 plays 3-3-3-2-2. Collectively, we earn over 40 M points each week and are ranked in the 3501 - 4200 bracket. These are the total weekly rewards that you would get from AQ participation in our alliance (combined daily, peak, and ranked rewards):
-Map 5 Crystals x 6;
-Map 4 Crystals x 11;
-Map 3 Crystals x 7;
-Map 2 Crystals x 2;
-about 79K GOLD;
-T4CC fragment Crystals x 5;
-33,800 T4BC fragments;
-2300 Glory;
-Greater Glory Crystal x 1
-Glory Crystal x 1
Donations are mandatory and are due each Monday by 11:59 PM PST. We request the following weekly amounts: 31,000 gold, 2900 battle chips, and 2100 loyalty.
We participate in weekly SA. We have been surpassing the 500K mark each week for the past 2 weeks in SA. In other alliance events, we continue to reach the last or next-to-last milestones for the most part, so you will get good rewards with us. There are no event minimums.
We use Telegram as our communication app. This is required.
If you are interested in our alliance or have additional questions, please look for me in-game. My IGN is gladiator2014. You can also find me on Telegram as my username is the same: @gladiator2014. Please don't forget to use the @ in front of my name in the search box or you won't find me.
Here are some recent updates to our alliance.
We remain an organized, active, AQ focused alliance. AQ is the most important and will not be compromised by war. War is non-mandatory/optional and participation is for those that are available and shown interest in war. This means, if you sign up for war, you must be available to fight during the offensive phase or let the team know if something important came up and you become unavailable. It may or may not run concurrently with AQ. We usually do 1 - 2 wars a week (at least 1 and usually 2), and never if it will compromise AQ efforts. Mostly, it's a 1-BG war in our alliance for those interested teammates and the offensive days are Thursdays and/or Saturdays for the most part. For Season 8 War, we are likely to be ranked at season's end in the Bronze 1 or Silver 3 bracket. So if war is your passion and is of high priority, this alliance will NOT fit what you seek!
For AQ, we play it 5 days a week, in 3 BGs. We complete all 3 BGs 100%. BG 1 plays this schedule: 5-4-4-4-4, while BG 2 plays 4-4-4-4-3, and BG 3 plays 4-3-3-3-3. Collectively, we earn over 63 M points each week and are ranked in the 3501 - 4200 bracket. We expect to reach the 70 M points PEAK milestone in about 4 weeks. These are the total weekly rewards that you would get from AQ participation in our alliance (combined daily, peak, and ranked rewards):
-Map 5 Crystals x 9;
-Map 4 Crystals x 15;
-Map 3 Crystals x 5;
-T4BC (full) x 1;
-T2AC fragments x 500;
-2400 Glory;
-Greater Glory Crystal x 1;
-Glory Crystal x 1;
-T4CC fragment Crystals x 11;
-5,600 T4BC fragments;
-85,175 GOLD and
Donations are mandatory and are due each Monday by 11:59 PM PST. We request the following weekly amounts: 15,000 gold and 1000 loyalty.
We participate in weekly SA. We have been surpassing the 500K mark each week for SA with a weekly average of 647K for the past 6 weeks. Our high is 778K and low is 566K. In other alliance events (particularly the 3-day events), we continue to reach the last milestones consistently, so you will get good rewards with us. There are NO event minimums.
We use Telegram as our communication app. This is required.
If you are interested in our alliance or have additional questions, please look for me in-game. My IGN is gladiator2014. You can also find me on Telegram as my username is the same: @gladiator2014. Please don't forget to use the @ in front of my name in the search box or you won't find me.