Emma Frost and Robots

Just a quick question, would like an honest answer. While I can appreciate that magneto, UC and juggernaut are immune to Emma's mind control, why aren't robots? It makes absolutely no sense that she would be able to mind control them.
That just...I mean, come on. Robots aren't really being inverted, right?
To translate:
"We see Emma Frost as a massive money maker on AW defence and therefore have no intention of creating any more counters to her than we have to... no matter how logical they may be."
So true, it's funny how the champions that are immune are all weak ones who players won't have ranked highly and the robots who should also be immune are all good champions like ultron, vision and sentinel, champions players are more likely to have at higher ranks
Agreed 100%, since some people (including myself) use robots in AW, while I bet NO one uses Magneto, Unstoppable Colossus, or Juggernaut
The best example for me is the inverted controls. This would hardly affect the computer in any way, granted we usually hit our l1 anyways, but this is only intended to help them in quests and war defense.
It's worth watching if they keep introducing these types of characters to try and make suckers out of us.
Honestly I don't see Omega Red or Frost being that much of a pain in War defense. Main reason is because the YouTubers have already broken down how to beat them very easily. The inverted controls thing is much easier to avoid than Thanos was. Just timing the evade and take the block damage if need be. Other that that Frost is cake. One of the more easier champs to fight. Shes just boosted to all hell is all. We don't see those kind of massive boosts in War really. Omega Red is also not that hard. Very easy to avoid his specials. They both have many counters that make short work of them.
Short circuiting... A mind controled antman switch some Cables around😀
She’d make him go sleepy time though.