Worst MCOC day I've had

This has to be my worst day ever playing this game..
First ever 6* and I pull Juggs
I spent 200 units on revives to take down Epic Uncanny Emma Frost and received 200 5* shards for my efforts
Rough day
First ever 6* and I pull Juggs
I spent 200 units on revives to take down Epic Uncanny Emma Frost and received 200 5* shards for my efforts
Rough day
The 5 star shards rewards you can figure out before you enter, tbf. I checked out the Master level before doing Epic, so I was prepared to bail if it got past a revive or two.
At least Juggs benefits from MD.
oh wait
Exactly what I was going to say. He also has Stagger, which has its uses. I get it, not the best 6* pull, but definitely could be worse!
It's all a matter of perspective.
I can’t disagree, but there’s a heavy dose of gambling and consumer psychology in this and most mobile games. Same reason they have the crystal reel, just like a slot machine that stops with 2 cherries and the third just above. “So close...” is what we tell ourselves even though we know it wasn’t even. Similarly, bad/unwanted rewards will motivate some to spend unreasonably to try to get that feeling of a good reward. I have fallen prey to this myself, spending thousands of my units on FGMC. Sometimes I just get in a rut of maybe this next 5 will be lucky. Sometimes it is but more often it’s not. Forewarned is forearmed, but it’s still easy to get caught up.
I would take a Juggy over DPXF, Beast, Iron fist, Sentry, Thor Ragn, Rocket, etc...
My point is, don't be disapointed, there's worst.
I can't get on board with any of those being worse than Juggs. Even DPXF would be ok for some people if they have Domino. It's one if her best synergies. And at 1/25, he actually does some damage. Juggs can get beat by several 3 star champs. He's the biggest slap in the face from the original 6star crystal.
Speaking of, IF will stop Diamond Form...always a bright side I suppose.
Please find the bright side to DD. Because as it stands now all he does is stun and a mastery can do that. At least Jugg can stagger and benefit from MD if you use him. DD is just red arena fodder that makes me see red every time I look at him.
I’ve looked and looked but I still can’t find a bright side 😞
I can't believe you're putting Beast and Sentry in the same category as Iron Fist and DPX. They are both a little more complicated than *parry* MLLLM, but they are VERY worth it when you figure them out. Both are very good champs that are unduly dumped on.