2 Months Progress of Hard Work (A New Player's Tale)

First of all: I'm a Free2Play player, so I DID NOT SPEND ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON THIS GAME.
So i'm a new player, today it's the 60th day in my account, i started playing around when the GotG Vol. 0 Started, and i fell in love with the game, fortunately i searched stuff to help me in the game and i found Seatin's and Brian Grant's Channel that helped me a lot, so i began my arena grind pretty early in the game.
in these 2 months i have gotten 28 4* Champions, 2 5* Champions, 44 3* (only 2 maxed) I got every Basic Champion since Mordo (Except for Joe FixIt as i didn't even grind for him)
And every single featured since Yondu.
You can see all of my arena history scores here

Ended with a PI overall of 89k
Done Act 1 at 100% Act 2, Act 3 at 100%, completed Act 4 http://imgur.com/a/FWk3l
And i even beat Realm Of Legends during the WS Arena http://imgur.com/a/m58G8
I hope that if a new player sees this, this can inspire them to achieve their most out of their 2 months in the game, use the arena system, it is designed to push you on your early game, you can get every basic if you want to.
Advice i would give you new players:
1.- completing act 1 at 100% is a good idea, this is true also for act 3, as you will get a 4* out of it, i would not bother exploring act 2 however, also explore medium difficulty for monthly quest if you can to get a free 3* champion each month.
2.- Grind arena as soon as you can, if you can't get a 3 star champion, grind the Summoner Trials arena, you will get PHCs for free, hence more chance at getting new champions and new 4 stars, i opened at least 20 phcs per week, and i got my first 3 4* from PHCs.
Also, if you don't have enough time you can get at least 6 4* in those 2 months from the basic arena.
3.- Once you have some 3 stars, don't be afraid to grind the 4* arenas, even if you don't get the basic or featured champion, it is highly important to get shards, if you hit the 11-20% rewards you will get 4 4* Crystals over 8 weeks, plus 3200 5* Shards from the basic arena, add in the 1-10% from featured arena you get another 5 more 4* crystals and 4800 more 5* shards over 6 weeks.
ALSO NEVER EVER BUY CRYSTALS GUYS! USE THE UNITS FOR MASTERIES! and also to buy refills to get those arena points if you want to get a champion.
So that's all, i hope i can create good content to help new players as Seatin, Brian, Dave, and Joel helped me, and i really appreciate it and thank you guys.
And if someone wants help or something you can hit me up In Game and i'll gladly help you

4s duped carnage 4s yondu 4s tech spidy.. no spend? Can't be possible man..
he's in lower bracket than youre so its possible the cut off are lower cuz not every one have enough champs to fight there tor know how this game works.
and back to the topic great job mate keep up.
You've duped Star Lord, duped the recent Featured champs, beaten RoL, had so little of a life that you've won Arena like 5 out of the last 6 times.... yeah.
@AviWeizman Thank you bro!
If being a fan of everything being fair is BS thinking, then that's what I'm doing.
It is literally you walking in a store to buy a dollar bag of chips and the guy in front of you gets it for a nickel and you have to pay the full dollar.
I'm not saying I don't appreciate your hard work because I do. I worked very hard for my roster as well. I just don't see why we have two different prices for the same product.
@Rednick69 That analogy is flaud, as i would accept it if champions were bought (Like in league of legends then yes, keep same prices for every bracket) not worked towards to get, thing is if in competitive games there existed no Brackets, Ratings and Stuff of sorts, let's assume you just started playing the game, and on your first round, you're put to fight against the best player in the game, That would seem unfair right? you have no experience and yet you're expected to fair against the best players.
That's why brackets are highly important in this game, Arenas are suppossed to be a competitive content, you compete against other real players, and it is a broken system really, you don't get the champion based on your skill, you get it for spending hours farming points, hence why the more champions someone has, the more chances he has to achieve an arena Champion, i'm able to get to 2 mil with my current roster, Think if didn't have the champions i achieved from arena, i only have 6 right? if i were to grind every 2 hours with those 2 teams i would only be able to put 540k points, that is not even enough to get someone like Joe FixIt, this puts the new player on a unfair situation where progress is a roadblock by not starting with the roster that other 2+ years people has.
it is just a matter of balancing, and i still think that there needs to be another bracket after intermediate, as i said before, most new players won't have progress like mine, as i had to put insane work in these 2 months, which the average player may not want to do, but they should have enough progress to not get frustrated and keep the longevity of the game with those new players.
I find it hard to believe you won the SL arena twice though. That's gotta be some insanely lucky crystal pulls.
you'll see every champion i got from arena and how many points i scored for each.
that link is an album of screenshots i took of every arena reward i recived.
That's a lot of hard work. Congratulations!
Ah. Well, good on you. Not many people research when starting out. I appreciate that you have the willingness to help people. I can relate to that.
@GroundedWisdom i do and i appreciate the comment dude!
Great job! Smart too. U did ur research. U put in the work. Haters out there. The point is u put the work in and used your brain to get the best results. I applaud you! I hope others read this.
Congrats Josh2Play.
I read your thread on RoL and you are already special there.
I just pressed lol under your post to complete all the tags
@winterthur don't think this is sticky worthy, but Kabam should really work on explaining progression to a new player since it's not natural.
@Joel_Sama Thank you man! i hope this helps new players.
so 800 times 12 that is how many times i scored top rewards on featured arena = 9600
300 times 9 that is how many times i achieved top 1-10% rewards on basic = 2700
now we have 12300 shards
Plus 2500 shards that were on last months calendar, plus another 500 from the special summoner appreciation week calendar and now we have 15300
Plus 1000 shards from completing act 4 16300
Plus 275 shards from duping Rocket 16575
Now another 1000 shards because i completed both GotG Vol 0 and Secret Empire forever Heroic mode at 100%
Plus 400 shards that i got for missing Hyperion and Venom dupe
Plus 400 for missing Yondu first round 18375
and now finally we add Summoner Advancement rewards
475* 4 1900 add everything up and we end up with 20275 Shards enough for 2 5 stars.
Hope that answered your concerns