2 Months Progress of Hard Work (A New Player's Tale)



  • KromestoneKromestone Member Posts: 81
    @Josh2Play man.. You are an absolute beast, so much hard work put in, great job bro, amazing job, nice work on not giving kabam a dime, keep up the good job. And by the way, wanna see your report when you get to 6 months in.... As for those doubting, that's hard work paying dividends there... He put in the hard work and that's the result of his hard work...
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @Kromestone Thank you man! i'll get you updated in 6 months.
  • SniktyThwipSniktyThwip Member Posts: 33
    @Josh2Play wisely done. I've often thought of scraping my account and starting fresh and playing the exact way that you have in the beginner brackets of arenas. Don't let the haters here get under your skin. Very cool to see what can be done in 2 months
  • Josh2PlayJosh2Play Member Posts: 115
    @SniktyThwip Would be worth it, however i still would care about new players trying to build their rosters, just keep in mind that the most that you can get from arenas is 16 champions, 17 tops if you have a lot of luck, and personally i don't mind the haters, i find interesting how they debunk my progress, makes me feel that i did good, however that is not the purpose of this post, thank you again!
  • ralmadaralmada Member Posts: 191
    Envious haters, by the way. Congrats, bro!
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Well you have this much of progression because after 11.0 update I guess everything became easy for the new champions. You got login calenders, 4 arenas and whatnot so its possible to reach that much progression but I wonder if you made an account in the early times would you have this much progress?????
    Best of luck in the veteran bracket anyway.
    Your total player rating must be 89k not your PI.
    If I knew that the first 2 months would be easy I would've done it in my time but oh well the game has started to become boring for me.
    BTW good work kid let's see how fast you start ranking up your 4 stars to r5 it took me 8 months just to r5 my First 4 star who was deadpool. It would take you less time anyway because after season 4 of AQ getting shards for t4c has become easy.
    Reaching your level ain't hard tbh I was about 100k rating in 4-5 months. Its almost 2 yrs for me and I'm at 430k now. Don't see much scope in playing the game now because it became to stagnant.
    In the end people will be jealous of your progress cause you worked your ass for it unlike others who don't or just pay money to reach their goal which is also fine imo.
    My advise while seatin and BG are good in terms of tutorials for beginners when you reach the level which is same for everyone stop listening to them. Speak with others in the community or better yet there are many mcoc game specific chats in line. If you wanna join some of these which would better up your progression HMU on line narutodkurosaki
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,126 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    looks like this kid quit, or got banned?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Doubtful he got banned. His YouTube account shows no activity for a month. It's the summer holidays; maybe he's just on a break. Time will tell.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,126 ★★★★★
    for literally all that grinding tho? already month behind
  • JmoneysteckJmoneysteck Member Posts: 196
    I had like the exact same progression at his point maybe a little less im still grindin though
  • 5C0T5C0T Member Posts: 28
    @Josh2Play - Any tips on how a newbie can get the most of out Summoner Trials arena?
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★
    Nice work.

    Dr. Zola
    Well good jump on the beginners bracket. Welcome to the big boys homie. You got a long road ahead of you. Grinding for features just got a lot harder
    Btw way how did you beat wolverine in realm of legends?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    @CYNDRDBODY & @5C0T this guy apparently stopped playing a while ago. If you looked up the thread you would see a discussion on whether he was still active. He has a YouTube account as well which has been inactive for a couple months.
    Shame that he has stopped playing. Would have loved to see how far he could have reached after a year or so of playing.
    Hmmm... wonder why this thread got resufaced then if they erased all the old threads from before the update
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    KyrieRed wrote: »
    i believe this guy!, WHY? I did the same I grinded arena its my 9th month playing Im rating 282k 65 4*s 7 5*s (1 dupe). its possible I spent money tho so idk about the f2p thing but none of the less. cheers good job

    Hey, you and me are twinsies! Sane bynber if 40* almost same rating and I've played since december.

    I spent 20$ once on units to buy cores on sale recently and 20$ on a hero crystal and got king groot when i was hoping to dupe iceman. Never spending again.

    But seriously, I hate how I feel so behind on 5*s....now I feel like all the 4* I got from arenas since like Venom came out (literally every basic both rounds) are useless. They will be new 3*.

    BTW, I wish I had known about the beginner-intermediate-expert tier **** in arenas when I first started playing. Back when I started playing it was for casual fun, not a planned thing where I wanted to do alliance / competitive ****. Hope OP enjoyed his arena tiers because now he's in the big leagues. Good luck getting anywhere close to 17-19mill in featured or spending 3 days straight grinding for a basic champ like iceman and stuff now.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    CYNDRDBODY wrote: »
    Hmmm... wonder why this thread got resufaced then if they erased all the old threads from before the update

    They did not erase all the threads. I still have threads from months ago. The only threads they remove or close are ones that go astray.
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2017
    I am sure this will be a second account which you have started after learning everything in another account. New rules after GoTG were very new and no one knows brackets and stuff initially. Nor does anyone bother with youtube videos or tutorials until you get to level 50 or so when things really start heating up. Until then it just feels like the game is quite easy to newbies. Also the number of 4 stars you have prove it you are in a higher tier alliance with your second account.

    Well that doesnt take away from all your hard work, but its a post on how to get the best progressive 'Second' account. Not the best progressive account.
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Sry bro , but you cannot complete rol with such champs , I mean you have only star lord and no one else , not possible bro.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    It seem like this guy quited the game.

    I think he was not saying the whole tale too, but he did an awesome job building that account. Sad.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,320 ★★★★★
    Dhruvg wrote: »
    Sry bro , but you cannot complete rol with such champs , I mean you have only star lord and no one else , not possible bro.

    Video showing ROL done at level 41
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Im a fairly new/returning player, im level 41. My question is on the 4* Pun, did you save up for a bunch to open at one time or did you open at 10,000 battle chips every time you reached that. Ive beem playing for a month but ive had some good luck duped 4* king P and Doc Oct.
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