With the recent modification to Mystic Dispersion Mastery, at what rank would you use it?

To those players that used Mystic Dispersion in the past, particularly if you have had it at rank 4 or 5, I would appreciate your input if you have had a chance to experiment with your game with the revised Mystic Dispersion mastery. I have a lot of strong Mystics champs on my roster that are ranked up (e.g. Dr. Voodoo, Magik, Guillotine, Mephisto, GR, Morningstar, Dormammu, etc.) and contemplate on whether I should keep it as 5/5 or downgrade it to some lower rank.

With the recent modification to Mystic Dispersion Mastery, at what rank would you use it? 89 votes

At Max (Rank 5/5)
VoluntarisNEOGolden_GuardianBitterSteelMegaSkater67Drakeabn86Hort4Deadbyrd9DOKTOROKTOPUSDTMelodicMetalRobster39Lucky7LucianoKillerRino19spaceoctopusArondightAomine_Daiki10 17 votes
DL864GamerShrimkinsFreakydSuperman69KozelDarkDarkrider05VuDahRixobslaterStrCaramesCupidsimolazS0nicS0undTheRealmKeeperdjr17TankRichardsonRockypantherxFooshblalala 21 votes
MattyloSnakeEyes69Timone147CFreeCapWW2VG107Emil_LimsonVinitlalka1988PenumbrousWaynedavybuttersaxelelf_1YouconfusedJyotishkaDankestChefFight_mexxgonzoxxJohn757TheMightyCV1PER1987 27 votes
PizzabeatCharlie_SceneMitchell35Ace3killerFhfjghhggggjfhfjg 5 votes
Alex13369PaytoPlay 2 votes
I would not bother with it and try another mastery, like Pure Skills.
BadroseJamesMSpity68TKalPcc880SKOutsiderFoxhero007nameplas1haunted_memoryborntohulaSavio444Spurgeon141776XFA_RebootedItsTheBroskiZJoePjkcjmiji 17 votes


  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    At Max (Rank 5/5)
    Put mine back to 5/5 because I’ve had it that way for a very long time and I’ve always loved it for offence. Defence for me was just a bonus. I’m still getting plenty of power from MD since most of it came from nullifying anyway. Still find it really useful with magik, dormammu, mephisto, Dr strange etc. Those are the ones I tend to use most often. I have a few mystic defenders which are still getting kills, but that was never really the main reason I had it. I do think it’s really beneficial to have when you’re the one fighting because it gives you more specials for more power steals, locks, nullifies, and so on. A lot of powerful abilities can come from using specials so having that extra power is still worth it in my eyes.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    3/5 is enough
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    I would not bother with it and try another mastery, like Pure Skills.
    Except I wouldn't use it on Pure Skill either
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I've had 5/5 for a very long time but I'm playing around with 4 and it seems to be working fine.

    Doesn't help that voodoo is bugged right now though.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    At Max (Rank 5/5)
    I keep it at 5/5 for aw defense and offense since I have a 5/65 magik and morningstar. I see no reason to not put points in there
  • Gladiator2014Gladiator2014 Member Posts: 283
    Thank you very much for everyone's input. I had Mystic Dispersion at rank 5/5 since December of 2017. I loved it. Most helpful for me for offense.

    I just got refunded from Kabam yesterday when they removed MD and gave me 760,000 loyalty and 1890 units. These are enough for me to rank back MD at 5/5. However, I am unsure whether to return to 5/5 MD or possibly play with rank 3 or rank 4 MD moving the extra mastery points to other masteries like Courage or Pierce. I could use the extra loyalty that I got in the refund to purchase a 5-Star Unstoppable Colossus (UC) to awaken the one that I already have.

    An unawakened UC is nothing to write home about but an awakened one might be more useful for AW. I am still going back and forth on what I should do. Thank you for your time and input into my decision. If I do go with rank 5/5 MD or 4/5, etc. I will still wait until the next loyalty event to purchase the cores and then use them during the next item use event. Should be a lot of points for our alliance.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    At Max (Rank 5/5)
    Dr. Voodoo still benefits greatly from max MD
  • DrakeDrake Member Posts: 101
    At Max (Rank 5/5)
    Going back to 5/5. I never used it for defense so very little changed for me.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    I would not bother with it and try another mastery, like Pure Skills.
    For me it 100% depends on what champions you have. The only Mystic Champs I use are Ghost Rider and Dr Voodoo. MD was changed so that it's only of real use in offense. With that being said if you use a great deal of Mystic Champions like Morningstar or Dorm etc, I would highly suggest to use it. MD is amazing with Dr Voodoo to obtain that special 2 early. Just I'm more focused on other classes. Good luck.
  • Gladiator2014Gladiator2014 Member Posts: 283
    @ItsTheBroski, yep my Dr. Voodoo is my primary damage dealer on quests with a sprinkle of Scarlet Witch, Ghost Rider, and Guillotine. I sometimes use Mephisto, Morningstar, and Dr. Strange. In fact, My 4-Star Dr. Voodoo is at Max rank 5/5 and Sig 99. I have an unawakened 5-Star Dr. Voodoo at rank 3 that I will immediately rank 4 if he's awakened (got the T2AC set aside already; reserved for him). I have every playable Mystics champ in the game as either a 4-star, 5-star, or both except for two: Juggernaut and Iron Fist (special, white version). I do have Juggy as a 3-star though. So, the Mystics class is one of the strongest for my roster. I will probably re-do the MD back at rank 4/5. I'm just debating internally on whether it's an efficient use of resources to rank 5 if the play at rank 4 is the same as rank 5 with the recent modification to this mastery. Thank you all again for your input to help me decide.
  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    I would not bother with it and try another mastery, like Pure Skills.
    @Gladiator2014 With what you just said 5/5 MD.... It will do you well...
  • Gladiator2014Gladiator2014 Member Posts: 283
    @ItsTheBroski : Thank you.
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