With the recent modification to Mystic Dispersion Mastery, at what rank would you use it?

To those players that used Mystic Dispersion in the past, particularly if you have had it at rank 4 or 5, I would appreciate your input if you have had a chance to experiment with your game with the revised Mystic Dispersion mastery. I have a lot of strong Mystics champs on my roster that are ranked up (e.g. Dr. Voodoo, Magik, Guillotine, Mephisto, GR, Morningstar, Dormammu, etc.) and contemplate on whether I should keep it as 5/5 or downgrade it to some lower rank.
With the recent modification to Mystic Dispersion Mastery, at what rank would you use it? 89 votes
Doesn't help that voodoo is bugged right now though.
I just got refunded from Kabam yesterday when they removed MD and gave me 760,000 loyalty and 1890 units. These are enough for me to rank back MD at 5/5. However, I am unsure whether to return to 5/5 MD or possibly play with rank 3 or rank 4 MD moving the extra mastery points to other masteries like Courage or Pierce. I could use the extra loyalty that I got in the refund to purchase a 5-Star Unstoppable Colossus (UC) to awaken the one that I already have.
An unawakened UC is nothing to write home about but an awakened one might be more useful for AW. I am still going back and forth on what I should do. Thank you for your time and input into my decision. If I do go with rank 5/5 MD or 4/5, etc. I will still wait until the next loyalty event to purchase the cores and then use them during the next item use event. Should be a lot of points for our alliance.