Help all button
This has probably been suggested several times but would like to request for it again - having a "help all" button on the alliance help tab and when selecting champs for arena would really help a lot. Please consider this seriously!
I'd also love for them to allow selling from storage, instead of making us use/sell current inventory, go to storage. Claim max. Go back to inventory. Sell. Back to Storage....etc.
i find lately when requesting help in arena for champs it doesnt work properly anyway......
you request help for your champs.... exit arena and go back in later and there they are needing help again.....
it will make every players life easier.....
find another way we can get 1000 loyalty a day.....
OMG yes. I thought it's my phone problem that the champs are there again after i pressed help. So it's a universal lag problem. It's quite a hassle.
I would support total removal of the help feature too. Or just ONE help all button.
Kabam please think of your player base!
Why cant they? Can they not at least do it in tens, a nice round number? Or Help All Champions for a given player?
A way to Help more than 4 at a time, or at least a way to Ask for Help all at once
Get rid of that Alliance Base thing now that it has been canceled officially.
Add a direct Sell button to Storage
Provide a Settings option to not show Arena Streak; I suspect many players would have longer streaks if they simply didn't get told until they lose a round.
Add a way to take a maxed 1* to 2*. I am tired of these 1*s sitting around doing nothing. Maybe fuse them to 2*s for a Signature level +1 with a cost of a catalyst or something. Theres only 12 1*s in the game so you won't lose TOO much money, if any.
I agree with OP. If a Help All can't be implemented, then fix it's speed. I play on a Galaxy S7 Active, and it is painfully slow most of the time (in high performance mode and 0 other apps running), being several seconds (sometimes up to 10 seconds) per request. It's $%^%# terrible. Sure, this requirement brings a bit of alliance interaction, but implement something that doesn't take some much damn time - overhead for every single champ used in (competitive/lengthy/grind routine) arena.
**** We are drowning in micro transactions in the game, and some slow response. Time to speed things up, or get rid of the bloat. *****
Also, sure I'd love to sell from stash. Again, it's just more micro transactions. Sell from inventory, then have go claim from stash - back and forth/load screen/load screen/load screen.
While you're at it, make Events accessible from the arena screens. Have to back all the way out to go check a @%#^ milestone, then load back to arena again.
Also, why isn't there a counter in the ISO inventory screens based on the filter. The number of ISO pieces is completely useless information. Add a sum function based on the filter, and show on the screen, so i know how much ISO I have of a particular type.
Also, there is not visual difference in the arena boosts of 15/30 minutes. I have X in stash, but can't tell what it is, or what one I need to use to get them out of stash!!!! Is it a 15 minute or 30 minute boost??
Why isn't there a war dashboard that provides useful information in one place. I have to load 6+ screens to get an idea of the war effort and progress. On the Battle Group screen, provide information related to each BG. (I know I need to be more specific. forthcoming...)
On another post that I made: . I thought it great to add more useful and interesting information on the post fight battle statistics. Everyone would like to know the number of crits, evades, max damage, etc, to know how they or their champ performed in a fight. Any extra fight stat other than combo length would be an awesome enhancement to the game and player satisfaction and brag rights.
I could go on. This was just off the top of my head.
**There is very little in the way of GUI and user experience improvements in the game.
I'll give credit for the AQ changes regarding BG map selection. I was amazed that was implemented. The ONLINE indicator in the alliance members list, and the ability to request energy help from the Energy Summary was also awesome, but far too few. This game is a load screen and mico-transaction nightmare. As if the content grind isn't enough of a time commitment enough. I'd appreciate any user ex improvements and even more than new content for x time.**
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Acutally, search for "arena help" . It's laughable how many threads there are on this topic.
Precisely, why is nothing being done?
It's been >3 years since the game started, I'm sure technology has advanced enough for servers to be updated and improved upon. Maybe it's time to relook the help button issue?
As somebody whos dad did IT consultation for Wachovia till the end, and was always told "Nahh, that shouldnt be necessary. We just need a way to make more money at a time. It would be much cheaper too. No need for those toys.", I can tell you Kabam will probably not be improving their servers soon.
I'm not slamming them too much, really. I imagine Kabam is real busy. This game seems too big for them, just in the sense of new content and bug fixes. I give them credit for the champ reworks, and mastery changes, but look at how long it taken them to get to it. I can imagine Suggestions and Requests are way off their radar.
We are probably just venting to ourselves here.