War season blackout

I am going on vacation in the middle of the war season. It is international and won't be able to play during the trip. My question is "would I still get season rewards if I return back to my Ally having fought 9 of the 12 wars, or do I need to be in the Ally the last 5 wars to get the rewards.
So particapte in 5 wars and be there for last war. Now I need to find someone who can fill in and doesn't care about war rewards.
You misunderstood. You have to participate in at least ALL 5 of the last wars.
First 5, last 5, 5 of 12, all boils down to 5 wars participated in AND still with the same alliance UNTIL AFTER the final second ticks off the clock. If u get kicked 30 seconds before the end of the season or leave, no soup for you.
I would fight first 5 miss 3 then be back last 4. I haven't left yet
We are all telling you its minimum of 5 wars during the season. Also, you can't leave the alliance and come back or leave after the season until you receive rewards. If you are planning on leaving the alliance during your vacation, you won't receive rewards even if you did 5 before leaving. You have to finish Season 4 having done 5 wars with the current alliance without having left and come back.
I was getting my hopes up, oh well.
On another note, they should remove the blackout period and allocate the rewards based on how many wars you fought in each alliance. Maybe a minimum of 3-5 wars in the alliance. Would prevent people jumping to a higher tier just before blackout also.
Also YOU NEED to be IN the SAME alliance until the rewards come and you claim them or you WILL GET NOTHING, if you get kicked in the final days or week you will also get nothing.