Nebula. a very good champ with some sweet utility and very high burst dmg potential
Plus im running full suicides. She may b the better option. BUT SL hits like a mac truck and gets stronger snd stronger. His power with suicides would b crazy too im sure.
This is why im having trouble deciding.
I also know the future is 5*s, so r 4*s even worth it anymore? I know some r, snd im sure SL is one of em
He is one of them, but focus on 5* first. and nebula is a top tech champ, have her as a 6* and she gets me thru alot of content, double immunity a safety regen if u get hit. insane dmg with s2 and those shock buffs or with s1 power drain and power lock
I wouldn't r4 Nebula, a lot of better champs to r4. So I wouldn't waste the tier 2 alphas on her. I'd keep her at r3. Wait for someone better to r4. I would r5 SL, he's still an amazing champ, and if you haven't completed ROL and LOL he's a beast. If you could wait I'd hold on and hoard crystals (except champ crystals) and wait for you to get an amazing 5* champ to r4.
I love my 4* SL. Takes down RoL champs down faster than stark spidey or blade and has helped my game play a ton since you try your damnsest to not get hit with him.
My max 4* nebula is dusty since pulling her as a 6*. If I get her as a 5* she’ll remain l1.
6* has been decent cause of the extra adrenaline and dual immunity, but she still goes on aw defense most of the time. My roster is nearly just maxed 4* too and I still attack with them over nebula in most instances other than things like bio, caltrops and poison paths.
She can fire off an amazing l2, but building shock charges is boring and tedious at times. With stacking 5 for robots though.
The future is six stars. I don’t like that much, but it is what it is. Fives are the now. Fours are yesteryear. Any upper mid range five should take precedence over any God tier four. Nebula falls into that category, imho. Alternatively, hold your horses. Wait for a better five.
I also say go with Nebula. I have her as a R3 5*, and she is a key part of my team in a variety of modes. If you have Proxima, Nebula will start with 10 shock charges. Save those to hit just before landing a SP2 and they will double, dealing massive DOT. I would disagree with @ItsTheBroski in that I think she is one of the more solid 5* champs, definitely worth taking to R4; I'd take mine if I had the resources for another tech champ at this point.
I also say go with Nebula. I have her as a R3 5*, and she is a key part of my team in a variety of modes. If you have Proxima, Nebula will start with 10 shock charges. Save those to hit just before landing a SP2 and they will double, dealing massive DOT. I would disagree with @ItsTheBroski in that I think she is one of the more solid 5* champs, definitely worth taking to R4; I'd take mine if I had the resources for another tech champ at this point.
I wouldn’t unless I had Proxima Midnight. And I don’t think he does.
Yeah 4*'s are generally trash. Even SL. Don't waste the resources on him.
Going to have to disagree with that one. It all depends on the 4* and their Abilities and Sig. SL in particular, has a unique Sig. If you maintain your Combo, he Crits like a beast. 4*s are useful in many situations. Especially when you don't have the same 5* options Awakened.
OR should I r4 5* Nebula sig lvl 65
Plus im running full suicides. She may b the better option. BUT SL hits like a mac truck and gets stronger snd stronger. His power with suicides would b crazy too im sure.
This is why im having trouble deciding.
I also know the future is 5*s, so r 4*s even worth it anymore? I know some r, snd im sure SL is one of em
U sold me bro. Thanks!
Thanks bro
Im 2nd guessing myself, so this response is reassuring
My max 4* nebula is dusty since pulling her as a 6*. If I get her as a 5* she’ll remain l1.
6* has been decent cause of the extra adrenaline and dual immunity, but she still goes on aw defense most of the time. My roster is nearly just maxed 4* too and I still attack with them over nebula in most instances other than things like bio, caltrops and poison paths.
She can fire off an amazing l2, but building shock charges is boring and tedious at times. With stacking 5 for robots though.
I wouldn’t unless I had Proxima Midnight. And I don’t think he does.
Going to have to disagree with that one. It all depends on the 4* and their Abilities and Sig. SL in particular, has a unique Sig. If you maintain your Combo, he Crits like a beast. 4*s are useful in many situations. Especially when you don't have the same 5* options Awakened.
Like arena.... ☺️ just sayin’