Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Dungeons Freeze Unable To Enter [Merged Threads]



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    GreekBeekGreekBeek Posts: 107
    I got locked out of 2 separate attempts to run dungeons today. Booted me to home screen. When I tried to re-enter the dungeon, it kept reverting to the game home screen. Restarted app multiple times. Even tried logging in on my second device. Same result. Dungeons hung up until timer ran out. First device was Google Pixel2, logged in using my iPhone 7 (work phone), and same result.
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    KingDKingD Posts: 21
    So I have noticed since dungeons were reintroduced earlier (Several weeks ago) that dungeons will freeze and "kick you out" from entering the dungeon mid run. Meaning you cannot enter the room to leave the party or progress.

    This is extremely annoying and frustrating that your champs go on cooldown and you cannot get points. This is horrible when using 5/6* champs because of the extremely long cooldown. This needs to be fixed, I have seen a few posts now but no acknowledgement from Kabam or employees so far.

    Device: iPhone 7 Plus - ios12 (And 11 when dungeons first returned) Wifi and mobile data (Issues happened with both) - Phone in working condition for all other aspects of the game besides the lag/imput lag/everything else that goes wrong in game.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Sophia @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit

    A response to this would be great.
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    GreekBeekGreekBeek Posts: 107
    I just got disconnected from my dangeon after finishing room 1. When I logged back in, I had 3 new attackers for room 2!! It swapped my maxed 4 stars (wasp, NC and Abomination) for 3 rank 1 4 stars (sentinel, Sentry and Ultron). I proceeded to get wrecked. Also, on a previous dungeon, my partner got frozen up, couldn't hit. Impossible to finish these dungeons with all these bugs. Game is so frustrating
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    Finished first fight in dungeon 6 and couldn't move to next node. Restarted game and couldn't get into dungeon again, but could still chat with the other guy. First instance of buggy play this dungeon stretch (3 day) where it was tons worse in the last stretch (one day).
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    Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
    edited September 2018
    I was in middle of dungeon fight suddenly I was not able to go into a lane.Then I exit out and tried to enter in but was not able to do so.Really [removed by moderation] off as I was using my top champs.
    Post edited by Kabam Porkchop on
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    Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
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    Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
    edited September 2018
    Another issue. My champs automatically changed in middle of a Room 2 Dungeon 7.j1r6wkx96dsx.jpg
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    Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
    As you can see I'm in Room2 of Dungeon 7 and there is no way I can clear room 1 with those champs
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    Same kinds of problems. First I got in dungeons and my game crashed, when I came back my champs were different than the ones I entered with. After completing this dungeons I decided to do another one anyways, I beat the first opponent and the game wouldn't let me go forward, so I turned the game off and back on, now it doesn't let me back in the dungeon at all.
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    MichaelW92MichaelW92 Posts: 38
    edited September 2018
    There is something wrong with dungeons. Earlier I started a dungeon with someone and I wasn’t able to move down the path. I then backed out and restarted the game. After that I wasn’t even able to enter back into the dungeon. I would press “Continue” and it would take me to the home page. I had to apologize to my dungeon partner for wasting his champs. I just entered another dungeon and my dungeon partner wasn’t able to enter the fight with the first opponent. Again another waste of champs in dungeon. I feel that Kabam should compensate me the awards I missed out on for this glitch.
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    ChrisS1506ChrisS1506 Posts: 52
    edited September 2018
    mrpepito wrote: »
    Same kinds of problems. First I got in dungeons and my game crashed, when I came back my champs were different than the ones I entered with. After completing this dungeons I decided to do another one anyways, I beat the first opponent and the game wouldn't let me go forward, so I turned the game off and back on, now it doesn't let me back in the dungeon at all.

    Exact same thing just happened to me. One of my alliance mates also said this happened to him.

    I've said this about many past issues; Kabam, quit adding champs and additional content until what is in front of us works correctly! Get it working right!
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    MichaelW92MichaelW92 Posts: 38
    edited September 2018
    Same thing happened to me in Dungeon 7. I wasn’t able to move down the path so I restarted the game. Then when I tried to enter back into the dungeon it wouldn’t let me. It kept taking me back to the home screen.
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    Today I was playing dungeon and I have defeated taskmaster in dungeon 6 but after defeating also he was reflecting in the same node and I was unable to find my champs.This was happened me twice and I'm unable to complete dungeons because of this issue.please check and resolve this issue.47vdmdeehx03.jpg
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    I started a dungeon and but before I could get to the first fight and I was stuck unable to move. I restarted my app to see if I can get back in but every time I would click continue on dungeons it would take me back to the home screen. I know that this was a known issue before and I believe they had patched it so I'm just wondering if there was an error and I need there needs to be a new pet for it or something
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    PhoePhoe Posts: 0
    I’m locked into a dungeon yet I can’t get into it what’s going on my champs will still get the timer when it times out
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    This is the 3rd time it has knocked me out of dungeons and no matter what I do it just keeps going to home page.
    I restarted app, restarted phone, hit go from chat, hit enter from fight option. Nothing works.
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    BasicChampBasicChamp Posts: 97
    While team play dungeon, I kill Crawler with my Iceman. It exit out to the battle map after I kill him. Then it didn't show that I kill him. What's worst? I couldn't even move. So, dungeon and time wasted. Major bug.
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    BasicChampBasicChamp Posts: 97
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    JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Posts: 301 ★★
    Did you quit a dungeon before the one you're locked out of?

    I've quit dungeons because of bad partners twice in the last week. Both times, I started a new dungeon, played for awhile, then got kicked out. No matter what I did, even restarting the app, trying to go into the dungeon just sends me to the home screen.
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    Same thing happened to me. I sent a video to kabam support
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    Hello ScarletteRose,

    We're sorry to hear about the trouble that you've had getting into Dungeons.

    Would you mind please providing us with more information? You can find details on what information we need on this link:

    Thank you for your assistance with this issue.

    Best wishes,

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    ChowyChowy Posts: 19
    It’s happened to me a few times in a week. After fights finished and game freeze.
    Have to logout and log back in. winning becomes lost health like I quit. Have to fight the same one again plus the %health loss. It’s just happened again in war and today in dungeons 3 rooms 2 i think... Can you check it out. It’s happened to my team members also... this causes a lot of trouble for me and other players that I have invited to play dungeons..
    Thank you very much
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    bilal579bilal579 Posts: 2
    edited September 2018
    I’m fed up with these dungeons. I’ve already defeated one champ but game refreshes and i have to fight it again and game doesn’t allow me to move forward I tried to restart app but unable to get into dungeons too it takes me back to main menu I’ve been facing this long enough. Either refresh the timers or give us the rewards to everyone
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    Anyone else having issues with dungeons? I just beat Rogue, then it kicked me out like I did not beat her and would not let me go back in to fight her again or try to proceed to the next fight. This is the 3rd time this has happened to me since dungeons have come back. Frustrating as I did not get credit for any points in these fights and I lose these top champions for several hours.
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    DoubledashDoubledash Posts: 70
    So for the 3rd time over been locked out of dungeons this mutant/mystic event. I beat a defender and it says I haven’t and then kicks me out and won’t let me back in, I contact support and they ‘forward my case’ to the game team, tell me @Kabam Miike how does this resolve my unused hero’s and the ages it take to refresh and also the dungeon shards I will of missed out on. I always complete the dungeon milestones but the errors in this one have set me back and I’ve not even managed to get 3 milestones down. The game support team really is lacking and seems they send me the same reply when ever I have a problem. Sorry but this is a big issue
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    ZarakikZarakik Posts: 178
    edited September 2018
    Having this bug can not move in dungeon, at first my patner could not move and i had to finish room 1 in map 7 with all nodes up and he tried everything restart game, restart phone, after that i tried again and second time my partner could move but i couldnt move and when i restarted game i didnt let me in into dungeon, time is runing but it didnt let me in. I waisted my top 2 teams and now wont be able to finish duengeons in time
    Oneplus 6
    Android 9.0 Pie
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    JadedEJadedE Posts: 12
    Tonight I had to prematurely exit dungeon runs because I cannot move further than the starting node.

    Run to Room 4, and unable to move. I cannot be the only player to experience this?
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    WodimanWodiman Posts: 30
    Anyone else having problems with dungeons. Got kicked to home screen over and over when attepting to join.
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    Ajc10Ajc10 Posts: 74
    Exactly same thing happened to me... I was in Room 2, beat the second champ but then couldn't move forward to the boss, went to the home page and I could never get back into the dungeon room again... all while I could still chat with my partner and he had to do the fighting alone...
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