I am looking for constant t4cc no war

Here is my roster I am quite new and low in prestige but I’m hoping someone will be nice enough to carry me in alliance quests, my prestige is 2960x2j45fwk00oa.jpeg


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    No ones gonna do all the work for you haha, you're still gonna have to continue to the AQ
  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    No ones gonna do all the work for you haha, you're still gonna have to continue to the AQ

    He isn't looking for AW only but he is still trying to participate in AQ... Honestly getting the good champ is half the battle and his roster is decent....
  • Nickname207Nickname207 Member Posts: 241
    This is really similar to "asking for stuff" kind of posts. If you think the t4cc-weekly alliances have spot open just to carry someone with 3000- prestige then you might need to have a look at the Alliance Recruitment discussion.
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    To get a t4bc a week you need to run map 5*5 around expert tier. Those alliances are gonna run war. If you make the push and do it, it'll really hello you grow your roster and rank your champs.
  • kingbkingb Member Posts: 84
    But I can’t find a alliance that only does map 5 and no war I’m not asking to do nothing I can participate in AQ but not war , I’m not asking for free stuff
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    kingb wrote: »
    But I can’t find a alliance that only does map 5 and no war I’m not asking to do nothing I can participate in AQ but not war , I’m not asking for free stuff

    I suspect English might not be your first language. The problematic statement in your post was "I’m hoping someone will be nice enough to carry me in alliance quests." I think you meant to say you hope an alliance would be willing to invite you. In English, "carry me" has a connotation that roughly translates to "do all the work for me."

    If you're just trying to find an alliance that does AQ Map 5 but doesn't do Alliance War, I'm sure there are alliances that don't do war or only run it at a very low tier so they don't spend anything on it. You should try the alliance recruiting section of the forums.

    Also, when you say "constant T4CC" in your posts title, that might also be getting misunderstood. It sounds like you're looking for a very high level alliance because only the high tier alliances get full T4CC rewards, most only get glory crystals and similar rewards. I suspect you were trying to say you were looking for an alliance that did a high enough level of AQ so that you were getting a constant supply of T4CC fragments. There's a significant difference between expecting to get T4CC fragments, and expecting to get whole T4CC itself.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,099 ★★★★
    So you're basically asking an alliance to do a couple things to accommodate you:

    1. Suffer a drop in their overall prestige and potentially miss out on top rewards, since prestige is a major determining factor to its final AQ score and rewards earned. The minimum prestige required for an ally to get t4cc could be 6500+, depending on what maps they are doing. Lower prestige equates to lower rewards and you will be hurting the ally with your low prestige.

    2. Have nine other players in a BG that you're in do all the work to clear a map 100%, while you coast and get all the rewards? Opponents in AQ are stacked in health and attack because of the high Alliance prestige required to get t4cc, so you won't last long with your 4/40 4*s.

    Now which right-thinking alliance that is working hard to get rewards will do the above-mentioned things? Not many I'm afraid. I know you want to get the top rewards as we all do, but this game is a marathon, not a sprint. If you're desperate for t4cc, you can still join an ally doing Maps 4 or 3 and use the Glory earned from AQ to buy Glory or Greater Glory crystals. I'm sure you will find an AQ-focused ally willing to take you in and in no time you will be earning enough t4cc to rank up your champs.

    Good luck in your search. Just put away the daft idea of joining a t4cc alliance at this point in time lol.
  • kingbkingb Member Posts: 84
    Ok thanks guys I thought it would not be too hard, but how do you progress if you can’t get t4cc to upgrade and get higher prestige?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    kingb wrote: »
    Ok thanks guys I thought it would not be too hard, but how do you progress if you can’t get t4cc to upgrade and get higher prestige?

    If you're expecting something on a timescale of days or even weeks, outside of the top tier alliances you're out of luck. For most players, even those in above average alliances, getting T4CC is about getting glory crystals and Map 5/6 crystals and T4CC fragment crystals and either getting the occasional lucky Map 5/6 opening (they rarely have full T4CC) or slowly accumulating fragments to build the crystals over time. I've never been in an alliance that was inside the top 1000, and that's how I got all of mine. I'm actually overflowing on a couple, so it is possible to build to that point if you have patience.
  • kingbkingb Member Posts: 84
    Huh ok
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    kingb wrote: »
    Ok thanks guys I thought it would not be too hard, but how do you progress if you can’t get t4cc to upgrade and get higher prestige?

    I've never been in an alliance that was inside the top 1000

    @DNA3000 just curious, what AQ maps do you run?

  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I've been playing the game every single day for 2 and a half years. Very actively. I've done 5x5 for a long time. Last week was the first time we ended up in the top 500 (actually, we where number 500), week after that we jumped up even more. What we're doing this week is unclear yet, but we're on the verge of actually being a t4cc alliance.

    Before that, I ran map 3 and 4 and got shards. Those shards I saved up and where enough to rank my champs, making it easier to complete high end content. I think my first full t4cc was from a Chloe or Ming Na challange. I used 3* champs to complete it because I felt I needed a duped SL and BW and I didn't have them in my 4* roster yet.

    Anyway, it was a long grind, it was hard. You don't have to hunt for the full catalysts, the shards really do at up pretty quickly and with glory you can buy specific class shards.

    What DNA says makes a lot of sense but the fact that you ignored anything said about the language barrier and don't seem happy to hear about shards instaid of full once makes me wonder if maybe you ment what it in a different way then DNA interprets.
  • kingbkingb Member Posts: 84
    No I mean I want a ally that does no war or minimum war and can get t4cc shards at a decent speed
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I was thinking about your situation today. Maybe the clash catalyst arena is something for you.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,493 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    kingb wrote: »
    Ok thanks guys I thought it would not be too hard, but how do you progress if you can’t get t4cc to upgrade and get higher prestige?

    I've never been in an alliance that was inside the top 1000

    @DNA3000 just curious, what AQ maps do you run?

    My alliance has been mostly 5x5 since I think season three. We've occasionally done Map 3 on days four or five when AW has been in-season more recently. I think the highest AQ score we've ever reached was 120 million, once. That only got us to somewhere around 1100 if I recall correctly. We're generally between 95 and 110 million.
  • kingbkingb Member Posts: 84
    My ally only reaches 10 mil!
    I need a better one
  • AprilMoon7AprilMoon7 Member Posts: 74
    kingb wrote: »
    My ally only reaches 10 mil!
    I need a better one

    Dude, listen to what others in this thread have said. You need to be patient. Grow at your own pace. Don't rush anything unless you're prepared to be unnecessarily frustrated. My alliance scores about 12M by the end of AQ and I'm pretty happy with it, especially when I think back to when we scored 4 to 5M. And that was only a few weeks ago. Be patient and keep up the fight.
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