Anyone had similar experience?

Active player, been playing for 4 months. Grateful to have some decent and fun champs.
Number of 4* and 5* champs: 23
Tech: 6
Skill: 5
Cosmic: 5
Mystic: 4
Science: 3
Mutant: NIL
In spite of how I never had a mutant champ beyond 3*, I'm just curious to know if you've had similar experience (being around 4 months in this game) of not pulling any champs of a certain class(4* or above)? Am I the only one?

Number of 4* and 5* champs: 23
Tech: 6
Skill: 5
Cosmic: 5
Mystic: 4
Science: 3
Mutant: NIL
In spite of how I never had a mutant champ beyond 3*, I'm just curious to know if you've had similar experience (being around 4 months in this game) of not pulling any champs of a certain class(4* or above)? Am I the only one?

Anyone had similar experience? 47 votes
For 5*s, my first was cosmic, second was mutant, third was cosmic, 4th was mutant, 5th science and 6th mutant
Two years into the game (started Aug 2016) I sold 60 4* champs out of spite. I still have 50, 30 are R5 and 20 are R4.
It took me 10 months before I got my first 5*, you already have two.
My advice to op is to wait for a medium tier mutant to come up in the basic arena and grind for them
Some one like storm or cyclops just so you have a mutant for class specific tasks who’s not a big disadvantage
And yes I know how you feel about the class problems, all my 5* champs are mystic skill and tech.
I'm not complaining, like I said I'm grateful to have my champs. I just wanna know how common/uncommon my situation is. Anyway thanks for the comment!
i completed Act 4 around 6 months with one R5 4* and 4 R4 4*s. But it wasn't until I had at least 5 R5 4*s when I explored Act 4.
Pulling x amount of chanps take sometime, but you're gonna get there soon enough.
So yes, everyone had this exact same experience when they were just starting.
My 5* roster is what’s giving me headache
3 tech
5 muts
5 cosmic
6 skills
8 science
1 mystic
Hahaha **** like that happens bro
IMIW, Magik, and Doc Oc... go hit up the slots, my friend.
Which includes magneto 3x duped, collosus and Cyclops duped
Stings, doesn't it? When I spin my 5* crystals I repeat out loud: Please don't suck... Please don't suck... it doesn't seem to help much. Doing that I still duped my Colossus and Falcon. Maybe I need to reverse psychology my spins.
Straight to rank 4/55 and awakened
Waiting worth i guess