New Button in Story Mode. Have you noticed?

I just noticed a button in Story mode that wasn't there before. When you click on it shows the tier champion requirement for that quest, you can see in Acts banner or individual quests as well.

Does anyone know about it? I could not find in anywhere in Changelog or News
My guess is that something about Act 6 coming around, and maybe we can only use specifics champions to run in.

Does anyone know about it? I could not find in anywhere in Changelog or News
My guess is that something about Act 6 coming around, and maybe we can only use specifics champions to run in.
This is in preparation for the Summoned Symbioid coming next month. This is the only way that we can prevent him from entering the Quests that he's not meant to be in. This is a temporary thing, and will go back to normal soon.
Edit: Ah, that also seems logical.
Thank you so much for the information. Appreciated it
They already said he can't be used in permanent content such as story, RoL, LoL, RttL etc.
He's only for the October event quests.
He can be used in AQ and war but he's penalised and his boosts don't work
I don't think he's allowed in AW
He's allowed but there's a global node that basically gimps him into uselessness to deter you from using him