Probably around 3mil, give or take few 100k. 3.5mil should b pretty safe. If u still use/need 4*, Hyperion is pretty asweome. I still use my 5/50 in quests a lot
10/11 is first hyp arena and id say 3.5 to be safe. He is older and lots of people have him but hes still pretty high intrest. Im gonna put up 4 mil to be sure i get the dupe. I do suggest going for luke and proxima. I have both and they are awesome. Luke cage killed the collector for me.
I want him becouse I have a cosmic awakening gem sleeping in my inventory and I have onley a duped venom from cosmics. I m not a fan of Proxima and Corvus is going to be too high for me
Corvus will only go for like 3.5-4 mil. Sabretooth has all hype for the void km synergies and went for 2.8 mil. So i dont think corvus is going to be in the 5s. Proxima has helped me clear tough content. Her ramp up puts out crazy damage. I have fun with her. The intercept missiond took a little bit to get used to but now i can fly through em and rally fights. Just my 2 cents tho. Never hurts to add champs to the roster. She'll pry go for 3 mil in the arena.
Nope..round 2 Emma Frost and Luke Cage
Assuming 3m target, it's a 1m per day. I think you can get 220k per session?
Yes I hope so, O will use boost for my 3stars i have one maxed from each class and i will spend some unita on stamina to get sure
Here my Friend
You can do it just like I did 3.4 For sabertooth
How many units did you use?
No way hype is going below 2.5 mil..maybe around 3 mil..I would say 3.3-3.5 is a safe bet for him
400 Units