The Sentry ( Power Of Million Exploding Suns ) Improvement 2018

Passive: Reality Warp
At the start of a fight and after every 15 Hits in a Combo, Sentry gains a Reality Warp. Reality Warps stack up to 8 max. Reality Warps are used as a multiplier for his abilities.
Passive: State of Mind
Sentry starts the fight in Unyielding Fortitude and changes to the next State for every 10 Hits in a Combo. When Sentry loses his Combo, he reverts to Unyielding Fortitude.
Unyielding Fortitude: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry cannot lose his Combo. Remains until Sentry changes States.
Overpowering Light: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry’s Special 1 Attack Damage is increased by 900.8 per Reality Warp and is Unblockable. Remains until Sentry changes States.
Steadfast Approach: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry’s Heavy Attack Damage is increased by 900.8 per Reality Warp. In addition, he gains 100% chance to Perfect Block. changes to the next State for after 5 Hits in Combo
Absolute Strength: 100% chance on entering this State, Sentry’s Special 2 Attack Damage is increased by 900.8 per Reality Warp and is Unblockable. Remains until Sentry changes States.
After Absolute Strength, Sentry restarts State of Mind, entering Unyielding Fortitude.
Special Attacks:
Special 1: Light Blast – Sentry punches his opponent before unleashing a Light-based Energy blast.
100% chance for Fury, increasing your Attack by 400 for 20 seconds.
Special 2: Soaring Strike – Sentry leads with an uppercut then loops around for a flying double punch.
100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 1333.67 Armor Rating reduction for 20 seconds.
Special 3: Channel the Void – Sentry transforms into the Void, creating a black hole that consumes the opponent.
When Health is below 50% Or Above , Sentry consumes 3 Reality Warp to Heal 2000 over 8 seconds.
Signature Ability: Molecular Reformation – Reality Warps persist from fight to fight and Sentry has a chance to gain Indestructible when he loses a Combo.
When Sentry loses his Combo, he has a 100% chance to become Indestructible for 3-5 seconds per Reality Warp.
At the start of a fight, if Health is above 0%, Reality Warps persist with Sentry from the previous fight.
immune to the effects of Poisons and reduces the damage of Bleeds by 85%.
45% chance For Basic hits To inflict Incinerate Debuff on the opponent
Note: Why I Think Sentry Need A Buff Because People Have Voted in this Post :
That Hes The Worst Champ in 2018
Spidey SE
Does he need a buff?
No One They All Top champ Meanwhile Sentry Suck In the Game And Yes He Need A Buff
I watch idelest Video he's OK But ..
How Can Spiderman And Blade And All the Better champ Be Better Then him
Redskull Is Not the Worst
You didn't Understand me I said How can Spiderman Be More Powerful Then The Sentry
I Do Agree With You About The Logic And Balance But if Kabam Can Make Hyperion One Of The Best Champ Why Not Sentry Or The Phoenix Force But No Instead They make Domino And Some **** Champ Too Overpowered ( I don't Call For Nerfinig Hammer At All) because its kind Unfair
I won't Give up on This post That Fast
I can't really support the buff of a newer champ when there are so many outdated champs who desperately need a buff to really be relevant in the contest moving forward. Dr. Strange, Kamala Khan, Joe Fixit, Cyclops, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Black Widow, Gamora, Groot, and several others see way less use in the most challenging content in the game compared to Sentry and are more deserving of a buff so they can finally come off the bench.
Could Sentry be better? Sure...most champs could be better. But we've seen that programming resources at Kabam are limited. I'd much rather see them focus on re-vamping some of the less relevant champs before moving to the ones that are currently in-use.
Please don't forget Karnak on your list. His true strike is just not enough and his sp1 damage is just too great to like him. Nothing goes well for him.
Does Champ You List Need A Full Rework But about sentry kabam Could Just Improve him A bit by Given Him Incinerate On Basic Hit He need a Little Improvement
Kabam This Month Just Improved Juggnate why not sentry
And not only Him Redskull Need some Improvement
if Kabam Make He's Armor Passive and Give Him Fury He won't Be Trash anymore In The eyes of the mcoc Players
He have 0 Utility The Void Is Immune to Incinerate
Why Not Sentry ????
If kabam Can Gives Him this buff :
immune to the effects of Poisons and reduces the damage of Bleeds by 85%.
45% chance For Basic hits To inflict Incinerate Debuff on the opponent
He will Be Good
And For Redskull If Kabam Made His Armor Passive and Give Him Fury He will Be Good too
He has access to perfect block, unblockable specials, and can tank attacks. All of these have their uses even in high-tier wars. His persistent charges can really help him build up strength in modes outside of arena. I wouldn't call that 0 Utility.
I do agree on the incinerate Immunity. Immunities and vulnerabilities should be shared between Void and Sentry.
He's on the list along with She-Hulk, Rocket, and others. It's definitely not all-inclusive.
So You Do Agree That He Need A Little More Improvement ?
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