Should i R3 my 5* awakened venom??

The only other need for cosmic tier 4s would be to r5 a 5* Hyperion or r2 a 6* Gamora... other then that I don’t have any other cosmics worth using the cats on. The only thing stopping me, is potentially rank 5ing my hype when I get the chance to do so. ... opinions on this ?
Defiantly better than iceman for spider-repellent and in terms of damage mixing fury and precision seems to cause just a lot of solid bleed damage and his Sp2 seems to be a solid “finisher” of sorts capable of bringing his damage way up and resetting his genetic memory chain
Honestly given how both LC and Venom got a huge damage potential increase (LC in raw damage and Venom with a mix of raw damage and stronger plus more freaquent bleeds) and a rather specific utility (reversing passive power gain and defeating spiders/IMIW) I’d say that so far Venom is another Luke Cage scenario
Agreed. While I could see the argument for r4 (better spider killer than iceman and slaughters IMIW and is a stronger champ overall with high damage and quality bleeds) at the end of the day he isn’t exactly even Luke Cage (despite many similarities in their buffs).
Currently he’s a bit of a mess as a cross between DoT, Raw, Burst, and Counter in terms of champion roles go and while he’s great as all that he also spreads himself a bit thin trying to do everything at once and really wouldn’t take him r5 unless they release about a dozen new Spider-Men and Symbiotes from the multiverse and extended venom-lore in the span of a year long event.