Venompool gave me trouble too, he is so aggressive and when you evade a hit, when most champs back off, he throws 4 more hits for you to evade and then you are halfway into the corner and your thumb is sore.
I picked 90s Cyclops, Venompool and Agent Venom were also challenging fights. I fought Black Widow 3 times over fighting Venompool more than once. I didn’t think BW was as bad as some players said because she doesn’t counter parry in the labyrinth. It took me the following amount of revives for fights listed in the OP's poll using 4/55 SL:
Maestro - Least = 1, Most = 10-15
Juggernaut = 4
Electro (Used 4/55 Crossbones) = 8
Abomination (Used 4/55 Ultron) = 3
Spider-Man = Lost count
X-23 (Used 5/50 Void) = 1
90s Cyclops - Least = 7, Most = 20-21
Dr. Strange - Least = 0, Most = 4
Black Widow - Least = 2, Most = 7
Honorable Mentions:
Venompool = 3
Agent Venom (Used 4/55 SL and Voodoo) = 7
I have a hard time saying Agent Venom was the hardest fight because he's bugged, his incinerate timer is not supposed to activate when dexterity is used
Crossbones worked good vs electro? Doesnt need to be dupped right?
I dont know if i rank him or Killmonger for Labyrinth (still havent fought spiderman yet) got both R3. I awoke Killmonger but i got another gem that i was saving for gwenpool
Crossbones worked good vs electro? Doesnt need to be dupped right?
I dont know if i rank him or Killmonger for Labyrinth (still havent fought spiderman yet) got both R3. I awoke Killmonger but i got another gem that i was saving for gwenpool
@Suel 4/55 unduped Crossbones did ok with a 30% champion’s boost. 4* maxed Gwenpool is a better option, you can see how 5* r4 Crossbones did here:
Need 2 paths to go. But i Dont have the right champ for Electro yet, so im putting on hold. I did Guilly with R5 Blade and didnt have much trouble, now I need gold to put my hyperion R4 to go for Abomination, pretty sure i can one shot him. I was able to solo some champs that ppl voted here as the worst, such as Dr Strange and Black Widow. The one i died the most was cyclops 90. Btw i ll take any tips for Electro
Blade works for abom and electro. Very well actually
Crossbones worked good vs electro? Doesnt need to be dupped right?
I dont know if i rank him or Killmonger for Labyrinth (still havent fought spiderman yet) got both R3. I awoke Killmonger but i got another gem that i was saving for gwenpool
@Suel 4/55 unduped Crossbones did ok with a 30% champion’s boost. 4* maxed Gwenpool is a better option, you can see how 5* r4 Crossbones did here:
Blade works for abom and electro. Very well actually