We should have a new “Character Wishlist” thread

The way it is now, the thread is completely useless and packed with random people just posting names and pictures of characters.
Still, there are a few people that make an effort to imagine base stats, abilities, synergies and a bio description for a new champ. Unfortunately, those comments (which are the best and actually entertaining to read/debate) get completely lost on the almost 100 pages of comments...
We should have a separate thread for those, instead of kinda wasting all effort made into “designing” a champ by just letting your idea disappear on that thread...
It could be something like “character design thread”, with one simple rule: you can’t just comment a name/photo without giving any idea of how you would adapt the character to the game (it doesn’t have to be all that formal... something like “i think this one should be able to do this and that” is already ok).
(This is also valid for the Champion Improvement one... maybe called “Champion Rework thread)
Still, there are a few people that make an effort to imagine base stats, abilities, synergies and a bio description for a new champ. Unfortunately, those comments (which are the best and actually entertaining to read/debate) get completely lost on the almost 100 pages of comments...
We should have a separate thread for those, instead of kinda wasting all effort made into “designing” a champ by just letting your idea disappear on that thread...
It could be something like “character design thread”, with one simple rule: you can’t just comment a name/photo without giving any idea of how you would adapt the character to the game (it doesn’t have to be all that formal... something like “i think this one should be able to do this and that” is already ok).
(This is also valid for the Champion Improvement one... maybe called “Champion Rework thread)
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Example: XxLoganTDCxX's MCoC Champion Design Thread
Instead of closing it down and saying "add it to this thread" because that's not productive or appreciated
More than 20 hours of work and no one gets to appreciate it except me.
Additionally there are tons of threads created over and over asking for champions to be added that need to shut down because people don't use the existing thread.
As for the second part, I don’t think the well-worked threads (where a champion is actually designed/reworked instead of just “I want this guy”) shouldn’t be closed as they are now. Players have some great ideas for champs, and they should get more visibility than what’s given to them in the current thread, you know?
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