Energy requirement for side quests are ridiculous
Energy requirements for this EQ daily side quests are ridiculous and needs to be relooked.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to play EQs and Side Quests together unless you buy Energy refill or has purchased Sigil.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to play EQs and Side Quests together unless you buy Energy refill or has purchased Sigil.
Run it 5 times you get 10 5* stones (2 from each) that alone is well worth a bit of energy. So I’m the month that’s 40 5* stones for nothing not much
But hey, I understand why so poor rewards: it's the NY event...
Take your time to do quests over the month instead of rushing through. I do pretty much all monthly content; yet thanks to the Summoner Showdown last month, I'm sitting on around 20 Energy refills in my stash. Can't remember the last time I bought Energy.
This is not a causal game, you cannot play casually and expect to get all the tasks done.
There's a free tier 1 alpha for doing almost nothing... Think about how much time you are gonna save by getting those now.
It's just a game and not an end of life phenomenon if you miss couple of quests...
people have been complaining for months about energy, but you cannot remember any other month? shoot a couple months back the UC AND the side quest had a higher energy requirements.
The previous month was good from the perspective that you could tackle paths without worrying that the quest is going to expire on you.
I mentioned my job because the OP did, that being said, just because I am able to post on the forums all day does not somehow mean I can play all day. Those 2 things are not the same. Bad is relative, and there is no gaslighting going on here.
Nor would I ever compare my ability to play the game more than others as justification that the energy and grind required from this month is acceptable. You’re flat out wrong on this one.
Also I what you would never do is irrelevant, you are not, as you can see from your arguments, the poster child for logic or reasonableness.