Guillotine is broken only in ROL [Not A Bug]
So this really just pisses me off a few minutes ago. I decided to do ROL for the 1st time today and make it all the way to wolverine. Cool right? Wrong, Guillotine is broken. She loses souls but doesn't gain any. So my S2 doesn't even matter or do anything.
I did a duel with her to see if it was the game and it wasn't. Its only ROL. Is there something i dont know? Is that how it normally goes?
If not can I at least get my health and revive potions back. Its really sad that I got so far for nothing at all. @Kabam Miike
I did a duel with her to see if it was the game and it wasn't. Its only ROL. Is there something i dont know? Is that how it normally goes?
If not can I at least get my health and revive potions back. Its really sad that I got so far for nothing at all. @Kabam Miike
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
Its not that though bro. They wont go up at all. Im being aggressive as i can possibly be without playing dumb. Her souls just wont increase at all. So i can only do her S2 once the entire fight.
I dont think you guys are understanding me lol..I know how to fight with her. I do use my l2 before the souls dissappear but they still go away afterwards.
Just for clarification if you take out a large portion of their max HP from the HP bars starting position, and don't gain souls, then it is a definitely a bug.
So i should be gaining souls at this point correct?
ROL bosses have a lot of health and guillotine only gains souls after you take off a certain amount of health so in a fight against wolverine if you don't take out a ton o health you don't gain souls. You have to get an sp2 before you run out of souls and play super aggressive to get down health and gain souls
Show a video, the photo doesn't show anything.
You start the fight with 4 souls
You lose two souls for using l2
You lose one soul every 10 seconds
You gain a soul for every 6% health the opponent loses
So assuming the fight has been going on for 30 seconds, you have actually gained three souls at this point in this fight. If the photo is after 40 seconds you have gained 4 souls in this fight and so forth.
Hi there, I noticed a few things from your Screenshot that would need some more info to get "the ducks in a row" in attempting to determine if your case is indeed due to a bug and the game is not functioning properly. 1st) I cannot recall the exact number, but I believe Wolvies full hp value was over 300k unless they recently changed the values. Lets use 300k for now. 6% of 300k is 18k. 2nd) From your SS, I think we can all confidently agree that you did not start this match from the beginning because first, you have 2 souls(you stated they are not processing right?) And second, you used a 3* guillotine, so please correct me if I'm wrong, I dont believe even a 100 hit combo by a Rank 4/40 duped SL can knock off that large a portion of his hp meter. So, you need to figure out how much maximum damage output your guillotine is capable of and with that info, figure how much time is required(lose a soul ea. 10 sec) for her to take 18k points of damage from wolvies hp. Which should in turn hopefully, give you a better idea of whether she is in fact completing the requirements necessary to gain souls. I think if you can get some specific numbers together, it would help considerably.
I was the same as you, I only had a 3* Guilly, screwed the fight up twice and third time the fight was over in minutes.
You'll get some souls with that.
Also you need to battle him when he is full HP.
You need to fire off the L2 within 20 seconds or you will NOT have enough souls to put the reverse heal on.
Further, once its on, you have to continue to be aggressive and ensure he procs his regen(s) to get enough souls to do so again.
30 secs*
Rouge could never do it
You have 20 seconds to use your S2. You need to keep hitting him and with each critical hit his regen will activate.
30 seconds
She begins with 4 souls
10 secs later she has 3
10 secs later she has 2
10 secs later you no longer have 2 souls
Actually you need to do it early because of however long her S2 animation takes to complete. You can't activate it at 29 seconds.
Ok then 27-28 secs
Edit: doesn't change much, still makes your statement wrong
You were wrong too. With your advice people would have spent tons of revives before they realized you were wrong. With mine they would know time is about to run out and use her S2.
Also 25 seconds is probably the time you want to use her S2, it's 2-3 seconds long.
Fate Seal then combo him. Just gonna take you 2-3 hours. I know I spent 2.5hours on him with Strange.