Why Kamala Khan should be the next champ to be buffed

1) Modern iconic character
2) Representation for Middle Eastern characters
3) Super fun to play her if she was buffed
4) Good synergies
2) Representation for Middle Eastern characters
3) Super fun to play her if she was buffed
4) Good synergies
He so bad he needs a buff after the rework
However to address your points;
1) I wouldn’t call her iconic yet, not saying some don’t like her, I’m just saying she isn’t to that level.
2) Her being in the game is already representation, a buff wouldn’t change that.
3) Wouldn’t, in theory, all buffed champs be fun to play?
4) Good synergies? Have you seen her new synergies? Any new buffed champ could have insane synergies.
Do you think they need to be pushed to do it? Do you believe they should only have Caucasian Males added?
EDIT: I should have wrote “diversity and representation”. Introducing the multicultural rainbow gang and shoehorning them into every comic is an insulting and terrible way to go about changing the face of comics to be more representative of the real world. It’s just as insulting as when McDonald’s commercials for products that can even kinda be considered “ethnic” feature that ethnicity all over the place weirdly. Like they introduced a breakfast burrito and a legion of Speedy Gonzales’ hightailed it over there to only order that item. Because apparently Mexicans are all that exist and they only like burritos. Getting me riled up...
Forced suggests resistance. If we're resisting the thought of inclusion, it's an indication that something is holding on to old ideas of what should and shouldn't be added.
As I said before, I have very strong views on this. It's not all Male. It's not all Caucasian. That's not a bad thing. It's not a gimmick. It's not forced. It shouldn't even be an issue. The fact that people are happy to identify with something means there's a deficiency to begin with, but saying they're just doing it because they're forced implies a deliberate ignorance that I don't agree they have. They're not deliberately ignoring other Races, nor including them to satiate requirements. Champs just are what they are, and they're added because they're in the Marvel Universe. It's just one of those things I feel strongly about because it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. We shouldn't have to have a conversation about adding other Races.
On another note out of all the champs KK deserves it the least. She hits the hardest with her furies and she is poison immune, shes an average champ but the other 5 are below average.
- so i'd urge everyone to vote on champions that already exist in 6*s like abomination or hulkbuster or even og ironman and blackpanther since we need more then 2 avengers who are good in game. so far i'd say only cap Iw is banger in damage and utility wise. 2nd in line are hulk rag,imiw,og thor.