Why Kamala Khan should be the next champ to be buffed

ddomddom Member Posts: 572 ★★
1) Modern iconic character
2) Representation for Middle Eastern characters
3) Super fun to play her if she was buffed
4) Good synergies


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    While I would love her and Groot going up, cosmic is insanely stacked and tech needs some love. More specifically Iron Man MK III
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Nah, she isn’t that bad. Someone posted a video of her taking out the single hardest fight in V3.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Aryl said:

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    To engage or not to engage...
    If you think she was just added for some kind of Affirmative Action vote, then it's probably best not to. I have a strong opinion on what the tone of that is.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    But is she a 6*?
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  • edited October 2019
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  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★

    Aryl said:

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    To engage or not to engage...
    If you think she was just added for some kind of Affirmative Action vote, then it's probably best not to. I have a strong opinion on what the tone of that is.
    I have strong opinions on mayonnaise. Doesn't make them true.
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★

    Best Middle Eastern character is Storm. Best things about Storm is she’s an entirely original character, incredibly popular, and played by Oscar winner Halle Berry.

    Ummm. I think you have a little geography conundrum there.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    @GroundedWisdom I will answer you in the most respectful and positive way I can in hopes to not get flaming going on.
    The whole pr gimmick was that she was added in a time where media was way over focused on religion, heritage, race... it's the same focus that went into the game back then. A year ago many could argue that every champ of "color" was at minimum demi God tier (voodoo, blade...) with arguments in Ali chats that this was only done because of all the blm drama. I am in no way saying that this is really the truth behind things But people have a tendency to notice the little things.

    As for KK she does not need a buff at this time. If someone doesn't like her then that's they don't need to use her. Many will argue this and that's ok but maybe people are way to used to using champs like corvus and expect a fight to end in under 20 hits. maybe read up on fury, play around with masteries.

    That's entirely conjecture. The idea that there has to be a gimmick inclusion is one that's deeply rooted in the idea that there is a normalcy to exclusion. Adding Champions has never been based on their Race. They just are what they are. The view that they're adding other Races for the sake of it is like saying you need a reason to add them. You don't. Just the same as giving attention to Female Champions is not a gimmick, or a ploy to appeal, it's equally not applicable to Race. She's a Champion that just happens to be an ethnicity other than Caucasian. Which is a great thing for people to identify with, but in no way is a marketing ploy. Old ways of viewing things are deeply rooted. Sorry, but the world is filled with different Races. That also applies to the Marvel Universe. I'm going to have to disagree completely with this. She wasn't just added to appeal to an inclusion movement.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    Aryl said:

    Aryl said:

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    To engage or not to engage...
    If you think she was just added for some kind of Affirmative Action vote, then it's probably best not to. I have a strong opinion on what the tone of that is.
    I have strong opinions on mayonnaise. Doesn't make them true.
    It’s meant to thinly coat the bun to prevent moisture turning it soggy. Anymore is a spoilt burger.
    That's lettuce. ;)
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    ddom said:

    1) Modern iconic character
    2) Representation for Middle Eastern characters
    3) Super fun to play her if she was buffed
    4) Good synergies

    I’m fine with that.
  • TripleBTripleB Member Posts: 272 ★★
    ddom said:

    1) Modern iconic character
    2) Representation for Middle Eastern characters
    3) Super fun to play her if she was buffed
    4) Good synergies

    I don’t think she should be the next buffed champ because out of the list given, she can already out damage all of them and even has more utility.
    However to address your points;
    1) I wouldn’t call her iconic yet, not saying some don’t like her, I’m just saying she isn’t to that level.
    2) Her being in the game is already representation, a buff wouldn’t change that.
    3) Wouldn’t, in theory, all buffed champs be fun to play?
    4) Good synergies? Have you seen her new synergies? Any new buffed champ could have insane synergies.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    Part of Marvel’s hamfisted editorially mandated push for diversity and representation. As subtle and organic as a brick to the face.
    Riiiiight.....so you think the only reason they would add other Races is if they were pushed to do it? Hmm....
    Do you think they need to be pushed to do it? Do you believe they should only have Caucasian Males added?
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    Part of Marvel’s hamfisted editorially mandated push for diversity and representation. As subtle and organic as a brick to the face.
    Riiiiight.....so you think the only reason they would add other Races is if they were pushed to do it? Hmm....
    Do you think they need to be pushed to do it? Do you believe they should only have Caucasian Males added?
    You asked the question and I answered it. In some cases, they did need pushing. In others, they had diverse characters already that they let die on the vine and in some cases effectively killed off because of fear of backlash and/or basic fear of change. You’re assuming too much based on two sentences.

    EDIT: I should have wrote “diversity and representation”. Introducing the multicultural rainbow gang and shoehorning them into every comic is an insulting and terrible way to go about changing the face of comics to be more representative of the real world. It’s just as insulting as when McDonald’s commercials for products that can even kinda be considered “ethnic” feature that ethnicity all over the place weirdly. Like they introduced a breakfast burrito and a legion of Speedy Gonzales’ hightailed it over there to only order that item. Because apparently Mexicans are all that exist and they only like burritos. Getting me riled up...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    Part of Marvel’s hamfisted editorially mandated push for diversity and representation. As subtle and organic as a brick to the face.
    Riiiiight.....so you think the only reason they would add other Races is if they were pushed to do it? Hmm....
    Do you think they need to be pushed to do it? Do you believe they should only have Caucasian Males added?
    You asked the question and I answered it. In some cases, they did need pushing. In others, they had diverse characters already that they let die on the vine and in some cases effectively killed off because of fear of backlash and/or basic fear of change. You’re assuming too much based on two sentences.
    I'm illustrating the point that I believe these old ideals need to be examined. The idea that they were adding Champs just for the sake of diversity and not the Champs themselves is absurd. I've heard the same argument used for Female Champs. "Forced."
    Forced suggests resistance. If we're resisting the thought of inclusion, it's an indication that something is holding on to old ideas of what should and shouldn't be added.
    As I said before, I have very strong views on this. It's not all Male. It's not all Caucasian. That's not a bad thing. It's not a gimmick. It's not forced. It shouldn't even be an issue. The fact that people are happy to identify with something means there's a deficiency to begin with, but saying they're just doing it because they're forced implies a deliberate ignorance that I don't agree they have. They're not deliberately ignoring other Races, nor including them to satiate requirements. Champs just are what they are, and they're added because they're in the Marvel Universe. It's just one of those things I feel strongly about because it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. We shouldn't have to have a conversation about adding other Races.
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  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    Aryl said:

    No. She was a PR stunt. Keep her a meme.

    How was she a PR stunt?
    Part of Marvel’s hamfisted editorially mandated push for diversity and representation. As subtle and organic as a brick to the face.
    Riiiiight.....so you think the only reason they would add other Races is if they were pushed to do it? Hmm....
    Do you think they need to be pushed to do it? Do you believe they should only have Caucasian Males added?
    You asked the question and I answered it. In some cases, they did need pushing. In others, they had diverse characters already that they let die on the vine and in some cases effectively killed off because of fear of backlash and/or basic fear of change. You’re assuming too much based on two sentences.
    I'm illustrating the point that I believe these old ideals need to be examined. The idea that they were adding Champs just for the sake of diversity and not the Champs themselves is absurd. I've heard the same argument used for Female Champs. "Forced."
    Forced suggests resistance. If we're resisting the thought of inclusion, it's an indication that something is holding on to old ideas of what should and shouldn't be added.
    As I said before, I have very strong views on this. It's not all Male. It's not all Caucasian. That's not a bad thing. It's not a gimmick. It's not forced. It shouldn't even be an issue. The fact that people are happy to identify with something means there's a deficiency to begin with, but saying they're just doing it because they're forced implies a deliberate ignorance that I don't agree they have. They're not deliberately ignoring other Races, nor including them to satiate requirements. Champs just are what they are, and they're added because they're in the Marvel Universe. It's just one of those things I feel strongly about because it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. We shouldn't have to have a conversation about adding other Races.
    Kamala Khan started in the Marvel Universe at the same time as roughly 200 multicultural rainbow friendly characters were introduced wherever there was room to draw them. I (and many others) found that disingenuous and forced, not forced as in they didn’t want to do it, forced as in this is happening now and your feelings towards organic pacing and consistency are irrelevant. That doesn’t have anything to do with her inclusion in the game. Luke Cage started as an insulting caricature and that doesn’t have any bearing on his inclusion in Marvel products now.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Not white male = PR, some people can be extremely ignorant and need to step out of their bubble
    On another note out of all the champs KK deserves it the least. She hits the hardest with her furies and she is poison immune, shes an average champ but the other 5 are below average.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★

    Not white male = PR, some people can be extremely ignorant and need to step out of their bubble
    On another note out of all the champs KK deserves it the least. She hits the hardest with her furies and she is poison immune, shes an average champ but the other 5 are below average.

    Are you saying that you would find a creation of editorial mandate, shoehorned into the spotlight alongside other editorially mandated creations, and not given enough time to grow beyond their shallow origins to not be PR if it was a white male character?
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★

    Not white male = PR, some people can be extremely ignorant and need to step out of their bubble
    On another note out of all the champs KK deserves it the least. She hits the hardest with her furies and she is poison immune, shes an average champ but the other 5 are below average.

    Are you saying that you would find a creation of editorial mandate, shoehorned into the spotlight alongside other editorially mandated creations, and not given enough time to grow beyond their shallow origins to not be PR if it was a white male character?
    Most definitely wouldnt get the ignorant outrage. You could see the superhero fandom reaction to anyone that isnt a white man. Outrage over black panther, outrage over captain marvel and apparently a super hero who has 10 volumes in the past few years and is of decent quality if you have even bothered to read the comics is simply a PR stunt? Well if thats what constitutes a PR stunt then the entire MCU is a PR stunt for nationalists and other ideological groups but since it shares the same features with the target audience its fine/s
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  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    straight and simple point is kamala is not in 6*,with her current furies and armour break she wont be added in 6*s since it would make her actually pretty good and she is not bad even at 5*s, and game is slowely moving away from 5*s and you dont want to max out kamala if u can get medusa,hyperion,corvus,proxima,cull obsidian,oG Thor, and so on!!!
    - so i'd urge everyone to vote on champions that already exist in 6*s like abomination or hulkbuster or even og ironman and blackpanther since we need more then 2 avengers who are good in game. so far i'd say only cap Iw is banger in damage and utility wise. 2nd in line are hulk rag,imiw,og thor.
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