Rare 2* Champions

So I play this game since two years, and just know I find out there are these so called "rare" champions (like those 1* and 2* that are mostly for collection purposes).
As I'm obsessed with collecting, I am really curious to know how to obtain them, I did some research on forums and on reddit but I didn't find anything really clear to me
I think I actually own some of these champions, like a 2* Carnage and a 2* Ghost Rider, I also had a 2* Human Torch before I accidentally sold him, but I have no idea where I got them from.
I buy a lot of offers, so is it possible that I found them buying specific or themed offers? Or can they be found during monthly events (like the spider-verse crystals from some months ago for example)?
Also, I know last month there was the collector crystal up for 50 units but I didn't buy it 'cause I didn't know

So I apologize for the long post, but if someone could explain me clearly all the ways to get these champs it would be great!


  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    they come about in various ways. There's a small number of 1* champs that you can get in the first few crystals you open when you start like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hawkeye and Juggernaut that don't appear in the daily crystal. There's a rare 1* Vision (Age of Ultron) that I'm not sure how anyone got. Some, or all, of these have been in the Collector crystals you mentioned.

    A bunch of the Spider-Man related characters were released as 2*s in 2017 with the first iteration of Spider-verse crystals for the Homecoming tie-in event, those crystals have been available again, sometimes updated with Doc Ock, Green Goblin and others, since.

    2*s of a load of X-Men characters have been given out in variations of the X-Men crystals for different reasons.

    2*s of Old Man Logan and X23 were first available in a special crystal when Logan was released.

    2* versions of some character have been obtainable from Marvel Insider including: Vulture, Blade, Night Thrasher, Sentry, IMIW, and a couple others.

    2*s of IMIW, Thor (Ragnarok), Captain Marvel, Black Panther (Civil War), Sparky and Cable were given to us for the movies the following movies: Avengers Endgame, Thor: Ragnarok, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Deadpool 2.

    2*s of a buncha 'monster' characters including Ghost Rider, Dormammu, and Green Goblin were available in a Google Play exclusive Halloween crystal in 2017.

    A load of characters were released last year in 2* form for the Gwenpool Goes to the Movies event, including Wasp, Ghost, Iron Patriot, Killmonger, Loki and War Machine.

    A lot of these have then reappeared in other crystals/offers. I got a 2* Civil Warrior from collector crystals in 2017 after he'd previously been in an exclusive offer elsewhere in 2016.

  • DeeBoo8DeeBoo8 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for being so clear, I really appreciate it🙏🏻

    I just have two more questions:

    1. I'm really starting to like this Collector Crystal, how much time do I have to wait before it shows up again?

    2. I actually just read on reddit that 3* Hulk can't be found in normal crystals, is that true? And if it is, are there others of this rarity type? (Talking about 3* or above)

    By the way, I just bought the Big Apple Bundle from the store and found a 2* Civil Warrior and 2* Morningstar, so that lets me hope that I'll find more in future
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    DeeBoo8 said:

    Thanks for being so clear, I really appreciate it🙏🏻

    I just have two more questions:

    1. I'm really starting to like this Collector Crystal, how much time do I have to wait before it shows up again?

    2. I actually just read on reddit that 3* Hulk can't be found in normal crystals, is that true? And if it is, are there others of this rarity type? (Talking about 3* or above)

    By the way, I just bought the Big Apple Bundle from the store and found a 2* Civil Warrior and 2* Morningstar, so that lets me hope that I'll find more in future

    Answering the second question: Idk about hulk, but yes... some champions are star limited... Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, Vision (both), Thor and War Machine (I guess) can’t be obtained through regular ways as 5 and 6*
    5* OG vision showed up in a offer twice now, and Thor is currently in the poll for the featured 5* champions crystal.

    Rhino, Cyclops (New Xavier School) and Ronan can’t be obtained as 4* through crystals... they are the rewards for the Realm of Legends completion. The same thing goes for OG Ultron, that can only be obtained through Labyrinth of Legends completion/exploration (idk which one).

    These are the cases I know
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    3* Hulk can be pretty rare. For a long time he was only available for the original beta testers of the game but has been given out a couple of times, once was pretty recently. I'm not sure if he's been in any crystals but haven't been looking for him since I have him. There's still several champs that are rare as 5, like mentioned earlier Thor isn't normally available as a 5*, Dr. Strange isn't normally in the regular 5* crystal either. Scarlett Witch hasn't ever been available as a 5 star or above. I don't think electro is available in the regular 5 star crystal but could be mistaken, he didn't used to be but is in the 6* crystal. Abomination is similar to electro. . Oddly enough Joe Fixit isn't available as a 5 or above.
    There's quite a few 2* that are considered rare, you have to keep an eye out for them, most of the rare ones I have came from buying crystals.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    3* Hulk isn't in crystals usually. I think he was in some limited edition ones last year for the GGTTM event. Many players got him though during the compensation for the 12.0 patch that was a whole thing. That was how I got mine.

    OG Vision isn't available at 3* or above except in special offers. I got a 3* one and they've done offers for 4* and 5* since, but not 3*.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    I can't remember where I picked up the 3* hulk but it couldnt have been too exclusive or I probably wouldnt have it.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★

    I can't remember where I picked up the 3* hulk but it couldnt have been too exclusive or I probably wouldnt have it.

    You could get 3* hulk during the endgame event

    Each week, a new Quest and Infinity Stone will become available. Below is a list of the release order of the stones and which Avengers they apply to:


    Beating each week will award you with a 3-Star version of that week’s Champion (2-star for Beginner difficulty). Additionally, each week the Featured and Grandmaster Featured Hero Crystal for the associated Avenger will be available in the Special tab of the Crystal Vault.

  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Hulk is not rare anymore at the 3 star level. He was, as was spiderman (original) vision, ip, cap ww2. At the beginning of all things mcoc they locked up broken champs after release to slow duplication and thus avoid an army of summoners wailing over them. Then later they fixed them and slowly made them less rare. Now they cannot keep us from awakening them and discovering thier flaws. We now have awakening gems we didn't have back then. So now that approach will not hold of complaints. So they just release them, deal with the complaints and fix them later.
  • Chadpool1Chadpool1 Member Posts: 348
    3* Hulk was also given away for an Earth Day event cause he’s green...that’s been quite a while back though.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,633 ★★★★★
    only on iOS, though. Cuz, apparently us Android users don't give a monkey's about the environment or something.
    even if 3* hulk isn't that rare, he is not in the crystals, i got mine from the gwenpool event last year
  • celticairbornecelticairborne Member Posts: 12
    I have all but Corvus and a few of the newest as 3*, 86 2* that I got from various EQ (try beginner level) and other crystals, but only 10 1*. One of those is the Vision AoU. No clue where I got him though...
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