Community's Choice: Champion Update Poll



  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★
    I don’t know why people are acting like they know how the buff will turn out. Kabam can make any character defensive or offensive regardless of their champion tag or any other factor. Venom is tagged as a defensive tank but his buff was almost solely offensive based. You have no idea what this buff will be like. vote for whoever you want.
  • mdsubmdsub Member Posts: 180
    Buff them all except Kamala Khan....delete her
  • Scoobers40Scoobers40 Member Posts: 100

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Have you ran a 6* hulkbuster with the Starky synergy? That special damage is no joke.
    Shhh 🤫 lol
  • HolmerexHolmerex Member Posts: 1
  • Javed_AhmedJaved_Ahmed Member Posts: 15
    #BuffDareDevil #BuffHulkBuster
  • MaxAHRMaxAHR Member Posts: 14
    I said that too..during last vote. That, colossus will be a def god of we vote for him. But that never happened.. So, no worries. We'll get a offensive champ out of of HB too. Bigger alli needs def champs they gotta buy new champs for no worries again.
  • AaryanismAaryanism Member Posts: 6
    Ironman without any doubt.. love you 3000
  • MaxAHRMaxAHR Member Posts: 14

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Hulkbuster can be an offensive champ aswell as being defensive, and much more people have 5 or 6 star hulkbusters than Daredevils or Iron man. Plus we already have IMIW and Daredevil is a decent collector counter
    True..even tho i don't have DPX..but he should be buffed too..He's just as useless as HB
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,473 ★★★★
    Imagine not voting for hulkbuster
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Hulkbuster is going to Win but OG Iron Man deserves the recognition

    Technically HB is Tony Stark as well so I guess it’s ok
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Hulkbuster can be an offensive champ aswell as being defensive, and much more people have 5 or 6 star hulkbusters than Daredevils or Iron man. Plus we already have IMIW and Daredevil is a decent collector counter
    You must be an infant to think that Hulkbuster is going to be a valuable offensive champ. He’s going to be defensive 110%. Your point about people having more Hulkbusters than Daredevils is a bit obscure also. I haven’t seen anyone here mention that he would be a good use for the 3-4 2015 Tech gems if he gets buffed, but Star-Lord and OG Vision probably will be, and continue to be the best uses for that gem. Anyone who votes Hulkbuster is either doing it for their own personal gain because they have a Hulkbuster, or are so deluded to not see that they’re shooting themselves, and everyone else, in the foot by doing so. #BuffDaredevil

    Hulkbuster will be a defensive attacker like Thing, being able to deal damage (because it's freaking hulkbuster) and defend. Unless it gets something like power gain like IMIW it won't be hard to kill. And you think evade is better than armour up. Daredevil will 150% have some sort of annoying evade mechanic and will most likely be on every AW team. There are barely any counters for evade, I don't understand your point here
    There’s barely any counters for evade? Karnak, Falcon, BW, CB, Iceman, Killmonger, Corvus, Proxima, Heimdall, Night Thrasher, Venom, Emma, Fury, Quake, IMIW, Spider Gwen, Gwenpool, She Hulk, AA, Psylocke, Cull, Stealthy, Sparky, Ægon, Ghost, Void, KP, AV, Luke..... is that enough or should I keep going?
  • Janier92Janier92 Member Posts: 3
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Rather IP... Thx again for giving him to me 3 times my first 8 basic 5*'s EVER...
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★


    My disagree count will probably double from the daredevil/iron man voters LMAO
    Same here, its like a buff war. Im only choosing Hulkbuster since he was my first 5* on two accounts...My second choice would be daredevil.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    Buff Iron Man. How can an iconic character be so lame.
  • Jerrypcci_1Jerrypcci_1 Member Posts: 4
    Voted for Black Panther, he should at least be as good as Killmonger or better.
  • AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Kind of disappointed that there is no option for a mystic champ; they really need it.
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 382 ★★★
    Kabam, please note, we are voting for OFFENSIVE buffs! Do not make HB the next pain in the @ss defender!
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Hulkbuster can be an offensive champ aswell as being defensive, and much more people have 5 or 6 star hulkbusters than Daredevils or Iron man. Plus we already have IMIW and Daredevil is a decent collector counter
    You must be an infant to think that Hulkbuster is going to be a valuable offensive champ. He’s going to be defensive 110%. Your point about people having more Hulkbusters than Daredevils is a bit obscure also. I haven’t seen anyone here mention that he would be a good use for the 3-4 2015 Tech gems if he gets buffed, but Star-Lord and OG Vision probably will be, and continue to be the best uses for that gem. Anyone who votes Hulkbuster is either doing it for their own personal gain because they have a Hulkbuster, or are so deluded to not see that they’re shooting themselves, and everyone else, in the foot by doing so. #BuffDaredevil

    Hulkbuster will be a defensive attacker like Thing, being able to deal damage (because it's freaking hulkbuster) and defend. Unless it gets something like power gain like IMIW it won't be hard to kill. And you think evade is better than armour up. Daredevil will 150% have some sort of annoying evade mechanic and will most likely be on every AW team. There are barely any counters for evade, I don't understand your point here
    Barely any counters for evade? Have you been playing this game for the past 3 years?
  • The_captain_84The_captain_84 Member Posts: 1
    Guys I don’t get u... so many of u vote for hulkbuster but u understand that he will be pure defense champion.... soooo.... don’t understand your choice guys
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Not a fair fight. Ones a 6* others aren’t. Only thing influencing a lot of people’s decisions on this including mine.
  • DragonsniperRhQDragonsniperRhQ Member Posts: 78
    Tech is gonna have Sparky, Ghost, Sentinel, IMIW and now Guillotine 2099 they’re op, vote Daredevil 😡
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Cmon daredaveil
  • Campo4Campo4 Member Posts: 141
    HB must stay a meme! Vote DDNF
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Kamala Kahn will be joining the MCU soon, get her a long overdue buff before that happens.
  • Carlooz82Carlooz82 Member Posts: 1
    Pienso que deben poner la lista de todos los campiones ya sea por año en que salieron o por clases y que la dinámica sea los personajes que necesitan mas mejoras y los mas votados recibirán mejoras por decirlo inicia en enero y en diciembre lleguen la mejora de todos los personajes que mas votaron por decir un numero se mejoraran 6 pero traten de involucrar youtubers de habla ingles o inglesa pero también a la comunidad latina
    Y una recomendación necesitan hacer mas dificultades por ejemplo variante existen 2 dificultades variante y normal seria bueno que agregará otra dificultad sin hacerlas variantes mas fácil y no solo para variantes en general como un mini laberinto y aumenten mas la probabilidad de conseguir esquirlas de 6* para las personas que quieren pasarse acto 6.2 porque no tienen muchos personajes de 6
  • JenrrimanJenrriman Member Posts: 3
    Obviamente hulkbuster
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    What it looks like to me is 968 people so far have a Hulkbuster. I feel that’s what these polls are all about. Who do you have not who do you want buffed.
  • Corby11Corby11 Member Posts: 172
This discussion has been closed.