Hulkbuster is the absolute best choice for this buff because of the fact that he is completely useless in the game right now and is also available as a 6*. He could be given amazing utility for offense and nice defense abilities for sustainability in harder content in the game. Iron man already has a technical “buff” with the release of IMIW. Why have two buffed iron men??? Daredevil Netflix is also a great choice but is unfortunately not available as a 6*. Kamala is already decent and we don’t need more OP cosmics rn, Abomination isn’t widely available to the public since he’s not in the basic pull, and Black panther already has another version like iron man with BP civil war. So why not buff the champ that is available as a 6*, could have the best utility for content and is useless in the game right now? #BUFFHULKBUSTER
What it looks like to me is 968 people so far have a Hulkbuster. I feel that’s what these polls are all about. Who do you have not who do you want buffed.
Pretty much.. I have him as a 5* Dupe 120 and I don't want him to be chosen; voted for Black Panther.
Most of the champions on the list are either decent (iron man, netflix dd and abomination), or BP who is already amazing (he has lots of great critical bleeds, idk what else you want. Top 5 bleed champs). The worst ones off, and the most people regret when they get them, are KK and HB. Vote for those 2
Even if HB gets buffed up, he would be useless. He is one of the least enjoyable character to play with.
I don't agree with that at all and the point of getting a buff is improving the champs mechanics. Do you not understand what we are voting on today? we are trying to make him a playable character by changing him lol. Like seriously read this and then look at you what you said 😂
BRO come on man we know he will get a bunch of buffs like extra armour like colosuss but his playstyle will still be the same like some champs are much harder to play on the game because they are clunkier for eg. Sentinel and Morningstar but on the other hand most offensive champs are slick to play like Medusa or blade or Ronin.
Guys, stop asking to buff champions designed for defensive purposes. You'll have a hard time dealing against him later in the game. Daredevil (or iron man) is the most obvious choice.
Because fighting a champ with evade is SO much better...
Bro he only evades projectiles lol also he is actually an evade or "miss" counter
Even if HB gets buffed up, he would be useless. He is one of the least enjoyable character to play with.
I don't agree with that at all and the point of getting a buff is improving the champs mechanics. Do you not understand what we are voting on today? we are trying to make him a playable character by changing him lol. Like seriously read this and then look at you what you said 😂
BRO come on man we know he will get a bunch of buffs like extra armour like colosuss but his playstyle will still be the same like some champs are much harder to play on the game because they are clunkier for eg. Sentinel and Morningstar but on the other hand most offensive champs are slick to play like Medusa or blade or Ronin.
Um, you do know you just mentioned two of the better attackers in the game in Sentinel and Morningstar. We can only hope Hulkbuster gets buffed to become as useful as those two champs.
#BuffBlackPanther. Buster is at least an average champ in Variant 2. BP doesn’t even have a use right now, and he should be more amazing. We are talking of the king of wakanda!!
Half the roster is Peter Parkers, Tony Starks, and Steve Rogers. Give us meaningful Thunderbolts and Defenders synergies. All armored champions, including vibranium armor champs should be at the very least, resistant to bleed even without an armor up buff. Robot champions should be immune to psychic or soul steal effects since they have no organic minds or souls.
I say vote Hulkbuster. He's currently a garbage champion that everyone hates to pull as 4, 5, or 6-Star so it's time that he gets a buff to make him feel worth while when pulled.
BRO come on man we know he will get a bunch of buffs like extra armour like colosuss but his playstyle will still be the same like some champs are much harder to play on the game because they are clunkier for eg. Sentinel and Morningstar but on the other hand most offensive champs are slick to play like Medusa or blade or Ronin.
And Hulkbuster is so bad he doesnt have to be in any poll, he is in desperate need of an overhaul
The Kingpin himself might tweet about getting people to vote to show Daredevil (Netflix) some voter support to keep the legacy of the show alive.