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First 6 star

Just got storm as my first 6 star, how should I feel?


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    Hector_1475Hector_1475 Posts: 1,792 ★★★★★
    She can only be useful in Mutant synergy teams, for Questing. Not the worst pull, but far from the best. It could have been worse...
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    Thi101Thi101 Posts: 807 ★★★
    Also, putting her on a team with OG Black Panther gives your team +13% Power Gain

    It may be useful at some point
    (She also has synergies with Cap IW and Corvus, that can enhance her special damage quite substantially)
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    Hector_1475Hector_1475 Posts: 1,792 ★★★★★
    There is also a CapIW synergy for her that is great, when paired with other Mutants too.
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    AATTAATT Posts: 525 ★★★
    I got cull as my first 6*, I've 8k shards now, 2k for my second one. Totally happy about champions balancing pause
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    Storm isn't that bad. Early game she was useful to me and sure, her special damage is better duped but her sp2 still hits hard
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    MasterChief1176MasterChief1176 Posts: 213
    Her 2nd move hits like a truck
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    TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I have a 6 star storm, without the dupe her speicals arent good at all. I think 8k on the sp1 and maybe 15k on the sp2 when both are critting without suicides? Only use her in arena.
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    IronMax753IronMax753 Posts: 27
    Well mate I got myself a Yondu, then Heimdall (only good for synergy in act 6), Drax and bloody Electra...
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    XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Just spam sp2, quick easy fights
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    Not too much use, but like others said, she is good for the Corvus and Cap synergy. Better when awakened, but not good.
    @IronMax753 Don't sleep on Elektra, her AAR is amazing
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    DarthHaasDarthHaas Posts: 385 ★★
    my condolences! after pulling so many ok or meh champs I still feel like every crystal is going to be the one! sadly it is not. Hang in their your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th will probably be better.... maybe
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    LordBeaverbrokeLordBeaverbroke Posts: 285 ★★

    Well mate I got myself a Yondu, then Heimdall (only good for synergy in act 6), Drax and bloody Electra...

    Yondu has utility at the beginning of every month, when the AI becomes vegetative again...
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