What is the difference between Elsa and Cable’s interaction with the double edge mastery?
What is the difference between Elsa and Cable’s interaction with the double edge mastery? And why are they functioning differently?
This means when an opponent makes him bleed
Elsa's says:
When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.
this means all bleed debuffs, regardless of the cause.
in addition elsa's does way less damage cable is 400% of attack, hers is like 25% of attack, and Elsa's can be avoided by an entire class of champs.
You will note the only time he degened was when it activated his heavy, which is independent of DE, which was done to show the difference.