
So here's my situation I'm an obsessive person so I rushed all the content literally.
I'm Cavalier.
Explored 6.1
Comoleted 6.2
Explored all the variants.
Comoleted the easy path of lol.
The only content available for me. Now is exploring 6.2 and exploring lol but until I get aegon and some units that has to wait.
So I'm really excited about act 6.3 but once completed this I know I'll be just bored of no having content to play.
Is there anyone in the same situation?
I'm Cavalier.
Explored 6.1
Comoleted 6.2
Explored all the variants.
Comoleted the easy path of lol.
The only content available for me. Now is exploring 6.2 and exploring lol but until I get aegon and some units that has to wait.
So I'm really excited about act 6.3 but once completed this I know I'll be just bored of no having content to play.
Is there anyone in the same situation?
Not alone. But not bored yet. Clearing challenging Content is the most delightful thing in this game. I’ll start itemless challenge for 6.2 exploration. And eager to see 6.3 and new variant. Monthly EQs are not fun anymore, unless they make a cavalier difficulty.
My first completion was only with ghodt, suicides and synergies. Didn't tried the ones you say though