I don't spend money on this game, takes me forever to get a 6 star. Feels like a kick in the face 3 times in a row. Is it worth quitting over or am I just overreacting?
Unless you're buying lots of crystals, you just kinda gotta live with whatever 6* you pull. Buddy of mine has pulled DPX as 6* 3 times and he only has maybe 10-11 6*. Compared to that... You're golden. Keep on goin and good luck.
Luke cage is really good. But it’s Nature of the game. My first 2 was WS then cyclops. It got significantly better with time. Was your first 3 5* or even 4*s amazing pull. More than likely not. Think of the 6*s as an easy r4 5*.
Unless you're buying lots of crystals, you just kinda gotta live with whatever 6* you pull. Buddy of mine has pulled DPX as 6* 3 times and he only has maybe 10-11 6*. Compared to that... You're golden. Keep on goin and good luck.
Fair enough. I don't get good 5 star luck either so I was hoping for a good 6 star to sort of even things out. Clearly I'm overreacting but that's exactly why I asked.
The only one that's somewhat worthless is that captain america. King groot is okay for variant 2 or aw defense and cage even without his dupe is a bleed immune powerhouse.
On top of that, 5* champs are still objectively more important in my eyes.
Thanks for the response I'll see how I get on with Luke Cage first. So far I have tested King Groot even in AQ but his damage just doesn't cut it and sometimes the fight goes on for too long it times out. I guess his only value would be if he were duped.
And frankly you should not care about what champs you get it will only make you demotivated. Use what you have and improve your skill so even if you are good with using average champs imagine how much better you will be when you eventually pull good champs. Use units on mastery cores until you unlock all masteries.
Thanks for the response. Yeah I agree it's extremely demotivating. I sort of raced to do the uncollected event quest for this month and some other challenges to get the 6 star, which cost me a good chunk of units. But I am currently working on my mastery setup like you recommended.
So KG will give you boost on war defense. Not the best defender but not bad either. Luke Cage is amazing. Yes his dupe is icing on the cake but still very useful. I run mine rank 4 5* all the time. (Unlock despair mastery for extra utility) And Captain America is also very solid. You can take a pretty good beating with his very high block prof. I know its not the flashy god tier but still can get some use out of them for sure. Keep grinding and your luck will get better.
So if everyone say you better quit., Are you really going to quit??!!!?
I actually am ready to quit whenever I have to. I did quit 11 months ago and started playing again for the last 2 months. I can say I definitely needed the break. Sometimes quitting for some time is worth it in my honest opinion. But the support and advice I got from this post has changed my mind this time around. I'm glad I asked first because it opened my eyes.
The only one that's somewhat worthless is that captain america. King groot is okay for variant 2 or aw defense and cage even without his dupe is a bleed immune powerhouse.
On top of that, 5* champs are still objectively more important in my eyes.
I just had an argument with you in reddit. Seems you’re capable of making good comments.
Captain America might be useful for last %10 of 6.2 champion.
The only one that's somewhat worthless is that captain america. King groot is okay for variant 2 or aw defense and cage even without his dupe is a bleed immune powerhouse.
On top of that, 5* champs are still objectively more important in my eyes.
I just had an argument with you in reddit. Seems you’re capable of making good comments.
Captain America might be useful for last %10 of 6.2 champion.
The only one that's somewhat worthless is that captain america. King groot is okay for variant 2 or aw defense and cage even without his dupe is a bleed immune powerhouse.
On top of that, 5* champs are still objectively more important in my eyes.
I just had an argument with you in reddit. Seems you’re capable of making good comments.
Captain America might be useful for last %10 of 6.2 champion.
Wrong Captain America dude ^
Cap Infinity War is the one.
All caps are good for that last %10. %40 chance to perfect block is no joke.
With the right synergies, you can make that WWII veteran somewhat useable (see below).
If there is one thing you should know by now, is that you shouldn't fight the RNG God but adapt and overcome. There are some absolute thrash champions, I get that, but it is you who are making you hurt yourself by setting these extreme standards.
Luke Cage is a fantastic pull. Spam light attacks in your combos to stack debuffs. Plus the adrenaline mechanic works as a nice regen if you play well. Having a 6* Hyperion counter on your roster is extremely valuable. ☻👍
Okay, so following this post I had no idea about the capabilities of Luke Cage since he was updated. I still had in my mind the previous version of luke cage which is why I was so disappointed with the pull. Thank you all for the insight I have just used him in AQ and so far I'm impressed by his abilities. Fair play to all those who say I am overreacting.
I know its not the flashy god tier but still can get some use out of them for sure. Keep grinding and your luck will get better.
Captain America might be useful for last %10 of 6.2 champion.
Cap Infinity War is the one.
If there is one thing you should know by now, is that you shouldn't fight the RNG God but adapt and overcome. There are some absolute thrash champions, I get that, but it is you who are making you hurt yourself by setting these extreme standards.
Having a 6* Hyperion counter on your roster is extremely valuable. ☻👍